Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This point and the importance of the details cannot be over emphasized!! Running your business in a way that you always 'sweat the small stuff' is one of the biggest things that will distinguish you from your competitor in the consumer's mind. Read More
A list of forward-thinking blogs for entrepreneurs. Includes tips on technology, marketing, big ideas and more. Read More
Think you as a salesperson are (or should be) in control of the sales process? Guest blogger Joel D Canfield disagrees. He'd like to remind everyone who's really in control: the customer! Read More
I’ve always assumed that Google Maps (and other local search directories) would build up the free local directory, drive other for pay players out, get us hooked on their service, and then start charging to be listed in the prime spot. In this case the prime spot for local search is the Google Seven box shown below for a search for “Attorney Houston, Tx” Read More
Many successful startups have two cofounders. One is a builder, and the other is a salesman. What you really need is a marketer, not a salesman. Read More
Discover how an small offline business grew an email subscriber database without a website, and at a very low cost that would meet even the tightest of budgets. Read More
Word of mouth marketing has changed due to social media. This interview with car legend Johnny Londoff focuses on powerful benefits of customer service as marketing. Read More
Employee Benefit News provides a link to a report profiling the top 10 companies in 2009 from the perspective of employee benefits packages. They include some surprising features including a focus on wellness over treatment for illness as a way of bringing medical costs down and show appreciation for employees. Of course, many small business may not have the resources to create such ambitious pro Read More
I mentioned in my last post that I would discuss the “how to” of implementing operational efficiencies within your social marketing efforts so let’s get to it. Friends and clients are always asking me, “is this social media thing really worth the time and effort?” My answer is, “it doesn’t have to take a lot of your time as long as you 1) Carve out a set allotment of time each day to develop c Read More
Consumer expectations for websites have changed. Here is a partial list of what consumers expect in 2010. Read More

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