Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Steven's story comes to us from the point of view of your typical, a-typical teenager. He's definitely not your average small business owner, and what sets him apart is more than just his years. Dabbling in business concepts by age fourteen, and a full-fledged entrepreneur at age eighteen, his unique perspective offers up an outlook on business and life that is beyond his years Read More
Are you operating a business that just satisfies the customers? Are you okay with being labeled as an average business? Well, I hope not! The difficult part in all of this is when someone doesn’t know that their business is just average. A lot of times a business can revert to just doing what others do because it’s simple to just operate business at the level of competition, but what usually happens next is the famous price war. Since nobody can come up with something new and unique to give the customers more value, the thought is I’ll just keep my prices lower than others. If a business is running on this strategy then a serious wake-up call is needed! Here are few things to help you start doing business better than your competitors Read More
Are you putting on an event, seminar or a webinar? Want to see how to reach a broader audience? Why not use Facebook events? Here is how. Read More
There has been a lot of talk lately about influence – because of the Fast Company Influence Project and a HubSpot-sponsored program with a similar name. Insights from these projects address how we influence others online and the myriad theories behind how to do it effectively. There is even a contest to see who is actually (a point of contention) the most influential person online today Read More
Selling and Marketing Yourself Means Spelling Out ALL of the Benefits, Advantages and Value to Your Prospects and Customers!

Join me for a serious, though weird and irreverant, look at these principles.. Read More

Spelling It Out

Avatar Posted by globalcopywrite under Marketing
From http://www.globalcopywriting.com 5166 days ago
Made Hot by: m4bmarketing on August 10, 2010 6:09 am
Have you ever run across a spelling error in business communications and made a judgment about the company? If you view spelling as a big hassle, read this post to discover how it could be hurting your business Read More

Boise, Idaho: New Capitol of Online Small Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Online Marketing
From http://googlesmb.blogspot.com 5166 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on August 11, 2010 2:17 pm
Could Boise, Idaho, be the new hot bed of small business growth in the U.S. Why not your home town no matter how large or small? Search giant Google claimed in an early post of its new small business blog that an estimated $72 million had been generated by business in Idaho using its online advertising tools and sited other recent reports on the growth of small business in Boise as the reason for a recent visit. How are you using the tools of the Internet to leverage your small business in your own home town? We would love to hear your story. Please leave it in the comment section below. Read More

Could Google, Verizon Deal Threaten Small Business?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From http://www.nytimes.com 5166 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on August 9, 2010 3:25 pm
Could a deal reportedly being hammered out between Google and Verizon spell trouble for small businesses marketing content online? One news report (in the New York Times) claims the agreement could allow different tiers of service for content providers. The story claims "Google and Verizon, two leading players in Internet service and content, are nearing an agreement that could allow Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content’s creators are willing to pay for the privilege." Could this mean having to pay an Internet provider for faster loading of your content, something likely to benefit larger companies with deeper pockets? Google is denying some of what has been reported and both companies claim the move won't affect the level playing field enjoyed by all content providers and users (including small businesses and their customers.) What do you think Read More
Some graphic evidence compiled by the Huffington Post which demonstrates how bad the current unemployment situation is in historical context Read More
Perhaps never before in business has anyone been able to succeed so much by using so little!

Lessons abound from this 80s television classic. It's about resourcefulness, wit, improvisation, bootstrapping, and making the most out of limited resources.

Learn to succeed...the MacGuyver Way Read More

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