Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sure eating ice cream always leaves a good feeling in your stomach, but Dairy Queen's Miracle Treat Day campaign, will leave you feeling satisfied in more ways than one. Check out this outstanding Feel-Good Marketing campaign Read More
I'm often asked how I come up with so many new business ideas so here are some tips for coming up with your very own business ideas. Read More

Why Print Still Matters

Avatar Posted by globalcopywrite under Marketing
From http://www.globalcopywriting.com 5163 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Manifesto on August 14, 2010 1:51 pm
How much consideration do you give to your print collateral? It's easy to get swept up in the online environment. A recent blog post from Joe Pulizzi suggests it might be time to reconsider the importance of print in your content marketing strategy Read More

Why I Should Start A Blog Before Starting a Business?

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From http://www.famousbloggers.net 5163 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on August 17, 2010 6:34 pm
Here are 6 reasons why you should start a blog before you start your business, let's think about blogs like a search engine magnet tools, this will give your business a profitable makes sense while engaging more with your customers Read More
Okay, I understand fully the ability of infographics to explain/tell/display/rationalize an overall POV for an idea. I like infographics and have pointed out quite a few over the past year or so, that offer up same….ie a real “look & learn” opportunity. But the folks over at seo.com have surpassed my own searching and I thought I’d share their great post on same here with you… Read More

Four Simple Methods To Decking Out Your Blog

Avatar Posted by JasonKienbaum under Online Marketing
From http://businessdonenow.com 5163 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on August 13, 2010 8:20 pm
So you are a blogger now and constantly putting out good information on a regular basis. Well now it’s time to crank it up a notch and add a few things that are going to take your blog to the next level for you and help you retain new visitors from your blog. With the use of many built in tools and web applications we can now include so much more to your blog then just the content. By including some of these items you take an average blog to an extraordinary one that will help your business and your readers get more out of the visit. Here are some ideas, features and applications you can use to deck out your blog.

Question Of The Day:
What are some of your tips and tricks for taking a blog to the next level Read More

Many Entrepreneurs Charge The Hill Too Soon

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 5163 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on August 13, 2010 8:23 pm
Don’t charge the hill until you are “ready.” This probably seems obvious to military types, but I see entrepreneurs violating this rule all the time. They approach key potential investors way too early, trying to talk their way up the hill, with no supporting business plan, and before they have a support team around them. Needless to say, they get shot down, and get no second chance Read More
"I want McNuggets NOW!!"

"But Ma'am we're serving breakfast."

"Well I'm gonna kick your ass!"

It might seem funny at first, but at second glance, it's symptomatic of how dangerous the workplace is becoming in the face of dissatisfied customers! Read More
People come and go in companies all the time. Here is a way to prospect for new hires in positions that could buy from you Read More

Taking The Hassle Out of Reviewing Small Business Products

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5163 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on August 12, 2010 5:27 pm
I don’t know about you, but it seems every day there is a new tool that can be used in marketing your brand and running your busines. Have you ever thought just how long it would take to search for each one and review them to see if they can be of benefit? Luckily there is a great resource on Small Business Trends and the editor for the product reviews is TJ McCue of SalesRescueTeam.com Read More

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