Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Online marketer Chris Pirillo gives his tips on startup based on his own experience launching an online business over a decade ago. His number one tip? No one knows your small business the way you do, so make sure, above any advice you might receive from anyone else, that you understand fully what is involved in making your business a success and understand what it will take to accomplish this. Chris's advice does not negate getting advice from others, including successful entrepreneurs, or reading and gaining as much information as possible about the market you are seeking to enter or about the basics of running a small business in general. It's simply that, when it comes to starting your own business, you must view any advice you receive in the light of your own business model to decide what is likely to work for you and what is no Read More
Today, when people want more information, they immediately turn to the Internet to retrieve what they need; whether it is for projects, news, online shopping, or even just to do price comparisons.

Edelman Digital had been analysing the amount of online chatter over twelve months about major technology brands. Read More
These 3 Blogging Personality Traits is what you need to become a successful blogger, determination, networking and passion to make money from bloggin Read More

Working from Home: Do You Have a Back-Up Plan?

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Self-Development
From http://cashmoneylife.com 5155 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on August 21, 2010 1:17 pm
Do you have a backup plan for your small business or working from home? When you work from home (or even when you have a traditional job), you need a back-up plan to deal with unexpected obstacles to getting your work accomplished Read More
10 Things to Do Before You Start Your Start-Up: Is your great idea really good enough? Find out before you found a company Read More
Robert Groth and Carter Robins are not businessmen, but rather technical theater guys. While working on a theater show 3 years ago and seeing how much the company they were working for was making off their work building the set, they realized they could make more money and do a much better job if they opened their own shop. So they did. But how did two guys with a background in technical theater and zero business knowledge successfully open their own scene shop and become their own boss Read More
There are several available options to find an affordable logo for your website. Depending on your budget, two great options are to host a logo design contest either at Design Crowd or Digital Point Forums Read More
Why not refer your business acquaintances to your clients when they have a need? Referrals will help your client and your acquaintance and will only make you look better Read More

How To Become Successful Internet Marketer

Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Online Marketing
From http://jeffreyblogonline.com 5156 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on August 20, 2010 1:17 am
How do you thing is it bad to make money on the internet? Today thousands if not millions of people are doing it and probably you have had some success Read More
Here's a great example of how a content marketing campaign that engages prospective customers and encourages them to take action on your behalf Read More

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