Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Quiznos business policies have been the target of angry (to put it mildly) franchisees for years, now. Being a franchise industry insider has it's perks when it comes to juicy stories like this, and I've known the real deal about.. Read More
How to get the proper domain name to Rank #1 on Google after choosing the perfect niche market? Here is an answer Read More

Website Design: What Would My Mom Want?

Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Online Marketing
From http://www.cikmarketing.ca 5157 days ago
Made Hot by: alastair on August 23, 2010 1:56 pm
It's great to have an attractive website, but if it can't be understood by the average user,you've wasted your money. Usability and simplicity are two important features of website design. Improve your website design with tips from my Mom Read More
Most companies think that they have a sales problem, when in fact they have an even bigger problem. In most cases, it’s a lead generation problem. See why here. Read More
Great lessons on business and blogging straight from the world of Rock and Roll. The Doors, Judas Priest, Peter Framton and others Read More
Contact forms drive a higher contact rate than a phone number or a combination of a phone number and email address. Here is a quick how to and a free way to add contact forms Read More

Saying Goodbye to BizSugar and Wishing Good Luck to All

Avatar Posted by yoni67 under Self-Development
From http://halva67.wordpress.com 5158 days ago
Made Hot by: Portfolio33 on August 17, 2010 11:46 am
It's been almost a year on BizSugar.

It's been good and it's been interesting.

I'm looking forward to taking a long break from Social Media and getting back to a more old-fashioned way of doing business.. Read More

How to Keep Your Customers With Simple Promotions

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5158 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on August 17, 2010 4:43 pm
Promotions have been used offline for years as a marketing tactic and increasingly you are now seeing them appear as online tactics.
There are many types of promotions you can implement, so here are a few of the common ones Read More
Do you have an RSS feed on your blog? I didn’t think I needed one but lately I'm discovering some great ways to extend the influence of my blog and generate a lot of traffic to my website. Read this post to find out how an RSS feed can help you do the same. Read More

Three ways bloggers just gotta have fun

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Social Media
From http://www.howtomakemyblog.com 5158 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on August 17, 2010 2:18 pm
What is the main purpose you blog? Perhaps it is to make money. Or it might be to spread information. It might be to change people’s minds or just to rant. Or it could be to have fun. Even though your blog is serious business, it's time to put the fun back into blogging. Put on your smiles and follow these tips to being a more fun-loving blogger Read More

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