Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The devil is not, as they say, "in the details". The devil is in having every one of the details linked properly and in a way to create synergy. This post will get you thinking about what you need to consider and show you some classic "marketing train-wrecks" to help prove the point that it isn't how well you plan, it's how well you link the plan together.
Please visit http://ideationz.wordpress.com and be sure to leave a comment when you visit. That way, we all can learn!
Thanks a ton,
Rick Pulit Read More
There is a lot of talk about creativity and innovation. Everyone's got to have these to build these amazing businesses! Be new! Be original! Be...what really? Is this truly necessary? Valeria Maltoni (@ConversationAge, founder and co-host of #kaizenblog) and I decided to take on the idea of creativity in 21st century business for our #kaizenblog chat. Read More
You know when a B2B business is doing good work for their clients when you see the self-neglect they impose on themselves. It is essential to take time out to re-evaluate yourself in the same way you evaluate your clients, clean out the closets, and reorganize your stuff at least a few times a year Read More
A post about the lessons learned from this great US World Cup soccer team's success through the first round of matches. The lessons apply to small business, startups and everyday life Read More
The large sum is still officially listed in the organization's financials but no one, not staff, not Board Members, no one is sure where the money really is. BOOM LAWSUIT Read More
Very useful tip for anyone who wants to improve their conversions, their communication skills, the effectiveness of their letter, emails, blog posts, fliers, etc Read More
Selling ones business is a very significant event and business owner will decide to try to sell the business themselves or hire to help sell their business Read More
Newsletters, while very effective marketing tools, are quite common and you need yours to stand out. Here are 5 tips (and some samples) to inspire you Read More
When you hear about Twitter these days it's always about it's incredible success. Twitter's growth has continued to spike and has had a major impact on the world wide web. How long do you think it's going to last Read More
Business credit is one of those long lost assets. With new underwriting guidelines for small business success, building strong business credit can make or break a deal. It's not a matter of if a lender will look at your business credit score, it's a matter of when. Make sure you're prepared Read More

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