Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Recently social media experts, Brian Solis and Marc Meyer shared their expertise on a webcast from MyVenturePad and sponsored by SAP. The topic of their discussion was how companies can use Twitter to grow their businesses. Below is a recap of the lessons learned from Brian Solis and Marc Meyer. Read More
There are MANY great reasons to become a freelancer. No cranky bosses. No long commutes. Lunch-break in the forest walking the dog. Playing Hendrix and Zeppelin at full-blast!

But what happens when you get sick? A serious and irreverant discourse on the subject.. Read More
Now, before I get too far into this, let me state, for the record that what I really talking about is lending help to one of the many worthy charitable organizations in the world that provide community and health services by forming a partner relationship that includes showing them how to better communicate their story Read More
Creating a website for a small business is simple and free, you can do it by following step-by-step online instructions, and including a few basic pages Read More
It is always positive to receive quality business advice from somebody that is an authority when it comes to helping small business succeed. That is why we know that you will find very useful this article by Melinda Emerson, known as “SmallBizLady” Read More
If you are looking to expand your small business reach, you should consider Business Exchange (BX,) a social network for business owners and professionals Read More

For Marketing Success Stop Listening and Take Action

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5207 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on June 29, 2010 6:34 pm
Do you listen to podcasts or webinars and after they have finished you get motivated with the possibilities of the marketing ideas for your business? If you have, the question is have you taken action with the information from these events? Read More
Which are you doing? Building a business or creating and sustaining a job? Great insights that all entrepreneurs need to think about often Read More
Necessity is the mother of invention. However, invention can be just good business too, especially when two great entrepreneurial minds come together to form a joint venture and develop an innovative new product. If your JV is in business with something new, innovative, and that excites consumers, make sure you make the most of it. Read More
Almost everyone with a real business needs a website. But, a blog is optional. For many small businesses, a blog can generate extraordinary results, if you don’t try to turn it into a website. Find out the differences between websites and blogs and how you can get the most out of each Read More

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