Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Survival Story of a cabinet company during the hard times. Learn what they did to keep their business open Read More
An in-depth review of social critic Lee Siegel's new book Against The Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob Read More
Ever wonder what happens to social media and web-based email account when a person dies? Read this comprehensive guide that covers major services like Twitter Read More
Can becoming an authoritative small business blogger be taught? My answer would be: yes. here’s a case study to help me making my point Read More
Having your business featured in a magazine or on a high traffic website is great PR. Follow these 3 tips for sourcing media opportunities using social networks Read More
If you want to get your service or product noticed, you need to get on Google Places. Here is a great way to get noticed if you are on Google Places. Also included is a video on how to use the one tip Read More
Back in my days in the army, I was a pretty good long distance runner. There were only a hand full of people in my infantry unit who could compete with me when the race distance hits over 10km. One of the few lessons I had learned from the experienced runners at my first half marathon (about 22km) had made such a big impact in me that I have learned to apply it to my start-up business as well Read More
It's really ok to say no. As a matter of fact, I think that it's perfectly ok to say that you're just not interested in the franchise business concept that you thought you were interested in. Hey, it happens; you... Read More
This month, one of the biggest events is FIFA World Cup. Webpreneurs are building World Cup-related sites, following the hot trend. Is this a wise decision Read More
Interesting ideas about how to engage businesses with SaaS solutions. Mainly discusses empathizing with a business culture and IT history to understand how hard it would be to "go cloud. Read More

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