Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you ever thought of giving a webinar to reach a broader audience? Don’t know how to get started? Here is a free webinar service you can use and how to get started Read More

Think, Work And Act Like a Business Manager – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From http://bit.ly 5213 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on June 22, 2010 6:22 pm
If customers can find the information they want using a Google search, why would they ever contact a sales rep? If it’s accessible via Google, they don’t need you. In fact, if it’s accessible via Google or from your website or from a competitor’s website, they don’t want you. They’ll correctly assume that all you’ll do is burn more of their time, and there’s not enough of that to go around as it is Read More
Do you know what the biggest secret to webpreneurship success is? Fail fast. What is fail fast, why should you fail fast and how to fail fast? Read on Read More
Small enterprise marketing is all about figuring out the needs of your goal market after which providing solutions to meet those needs.
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Isaac Asimov: Science-Fiction writing master? Magic? What do they have to do with your business?

Plenty! It's about getting published in the world of business, establishing a reputation and attracting clients and customers!

Check out the article.. Read More
I enjoy taking business lessons from non-business niche. This time, I take a reflection and philosophical look at 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. O Read More

Take time to recharge your batteries

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From http://bloggertone.com 5213 days ago
Made Hot by: m4bmarketing on June 22, 2010 6:14 pm
It's very important to take some time at least once a year to take a break from work. In this post I will share some things that I've learned from my recent holiday Read More

5 Benefits of Cutting the Number of Services You Offer

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5213 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on June 22, 2010 6:07 pm
It is very tempting to have a list of every service you can offer for potential customers to choose from. Often this can be a case of thinking that if you offer a large range of services then you will attract more customers. If you offer too many choices, this can be confusing for your customers and here are 5 business benefits of cutting the number of services you offer Read More
Your Ad Here: De-mystifying the Business of Media & Advertising provides a high-level overview of basic advertising concepts and how to implement them in a media plan. The chapters are laid out in an order that follows the process of a media buy, making it a quick read with easily digestible tips, tricks, and examples as the reader follows the case study of retailer Crazy Boy Jeans, who is making a buy to promote an upcoming denim sale Read More
As you grow on Twitter, does it make a difference if your Twitter profile picture is just a brand name logo or has a picture of a real person for your company. This post discusses the debate on whether your customers and the community relate via social media channels to businesses on a stronger level with brands that have real faces instead of just a plain logo Read More

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