Showing up every day is the key to small business success.

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From 1860 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on September 4, 2019 10:07 am
Sabrina Tan left a comfortable tech career to start her own business in the skincare industry. Skin Inc, a customizable skincare solution, has won over 100 beauty awards and is featured in publications like VOGUE, WWD, Refinery29. Singapore-based Skin Inc is a marriage of tech and beauty, but like Read More
Early-stage entrepreneurs rightly keep their focus on creating an innovative product or service. After celebrating success at that level, they often find themselves ill-prepared to move to the next stage, for scaling their business into a high-performing enterprise. That’s where I see too much entr Read More
What every entrepreneur needs more than anything else, after they have built an innovative new product or service, is visibility, credibility, and trust by customers, potential employees, and future business partners. In my experience as a business advisor, one of the best ways to get all of these, Read More
5P Consulting’s mission is to optimize organizations and drive them to improve business productivity through process and technology. After investing in the right customer relationship management (CRM) system for their small business, 5P Consulting experienced incredible business growth — 998% ROI t Read More
Starting a new business is fraught with challenges, and none of us has the bandwidth to kill them all. As an advisor to business owners, and an occasional angel investor, my job is to separate the actual challenges from the common misconceptions that distract many promising entrepreneurs while buil Read More
Are you ready to start a corporation but need affordable startup ideas? Try these 6 practical business ideas with low investment upfront. Read More
In the beginning all businesses are just people playing out an idea. It’s never the other way around – there is no idea so big that it doesn’t need people to make it succeed. Investors know this, hence the saying “Bet on the jockey (founder), not the horse (idea).” A great jockey is a great role mo Read More
Based on my own experience as a business professional, employees who are not seriously engaged in the business should be totally obvious to everyone, including the manager or CEO. Yet many managers and executives seem to ignore the situation, or have no idea how to fix it. The result is that the pe Read More
Successful startups seem to follow similar paths to greatness, and unfortunately all too often that path leads them back down the hill much faster than they went up. Big company powerhouses, like IBM and Xerox, took fifty years to make the cycle, but new companies today, in the age of the Internet, Read More

8 Steps To Stop Killing Yourself As A Micro-Manager

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 1868 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on August 20, 2019 6:51 pm
For a few, delegating comes easily, maybe too easy. For others who are perfectionists, letting go of even the most trivial task is almost impossible. If you are in this second category, you probably don’t like the references behind your back that you are a “control freak” or a “micro-manager.” Read More

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