People who have been followers too long as an employee don’t realize how hard it is to be a leader. Every new entrepreneur has to initiate the right actions to be perceived as a leader in their chosen business domain by their team and by their customers, or the road to success and satisfaction will Read More
In my experience working with entrepreneurs, once they feel they have a winning formula for their business, they are often hesitant to change or update it. They forget that adapting their company and themselves as their customers evolve is the key to long-term survival. Think of Blockbuster and Toy Read More
If you think that financial modeling for a new business is arcane magic, limited in value to financial wizards and professional investors, then you have been listening to the wrong advisors. In reality, a simple Excel spreadsheet model customized around your assumptions can save you hours and avoid Read More

Anatomy of a Unicorn Business and How to Become One

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 1727 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on January 9, 2020 10:40 am
Wild unicorn growth may be magical and rare, but research shows a few common characteristics among those highly successful SMBs. Let’s look at three. Read More
As an advisor to entrepreneurs, I find that I often have to remind them that the world of customers has changed since they started their last business. Customer expectations of a relationship and personalization are stretching every business today, and pervasive use and confidence in social media b Read More
Every startup needs a couple of advisors with deep experience and connections in your business domain or financial skills to complement your technical focus. Advisors need to be mentors, looking ahead and directing you on key actions to take or avoid. Unfortunately, many prefer the role of critic, Read More
Welcome to another challenging new year ahead! You’ve probably already made your resolutions for 2020, but if not, I suggest a renewed commitment to finding happiness and satisfaction in your chosen business lifestyle. After all, most of us spend more hours in this role than any other, and life is Read More
In my work with new and aspiring entrepreneurs, I find that most struggle with putting together a written business plan, often pointing out that someone they know started a business without anything written down. My experience is that the discipline of documenting a plan will improve your likelihoo Read More

What You Need to Know About Startup Taxes

Avatar Posted by AngelBiz under Startups
From 1734 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on January 2, 2020 11:12 am
You need to think about many factors when starting a business. Here is everything you need to know about taxes for start-ups. Read More
Every entrepreneur I know is dismayed by the number of friends who approach them with a line such as “I have an even better idea that will change the world, and one of these days I’m going to get around to starting my own business.” I always wonder what is more important to them on an ongoing basis Read More

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