You have to be extra tough mentally to start a new business venture. While thinking about it, I realized that it’s really not that different from the toughness required and trained into America’s elite military force of Navy SEALs, who are known to be cool under fire, able to sense danger before it Read More

How much does a website really cost?

Avatar Posted by PhilldotBlog under Startups
From 1819 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on October 9, 2019 9:13 am
It's a bit like asking a builder to build you a house and asking how much it's going to cost without explaining the details. One of the very first questions a freelance web developer gets is "How much will this cost me?". Read More
Entrepreneurship isn't just about setting up a business, it's also about running and making it a success. But is entrepreneurship really for you? Have you got the right attitude to make it work? Read More
Some people are not cut out to be entrepreneurs. This is a good thing, or the business world would be chaos, with everyone trying to do their own thing. So what about you? How do you know if you should be running your own company, or concentrating on that queue of work that someone else has built f Read More

Can you use a business bank account for personal use?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From 1821 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on October 7, 2019 10:40 am
Business owners should not use a business bank account for personal use. It’s a bad practice that can lead to other issues, including legal, operational and tax problems.
As the company grows, the problems will also grow. That is, if the company is able to grow. Many businesses operated in a fisca Read More
Since most small business owners are justifiably proud of the service they deliver, they don’t even anticipate a negative online review or threat to their reputation, until it happens. Unfortunately, trying to recover after the fact is tough. The best way to protect your reputation online is to sol Read More

5 Ways to Beat Imposter Syndrome

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From 1821 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on October 6, 2019 10:36 am
Do you sometimes feel like an imposter in your business life? Like you are acting as if you are authentic and confident but not necessarily feeling it?
There you are tapped for a promotion, being acknowledged and recognized for your work and accomplishments and yet feeling like a fraud conflicted Read More
Outside of dreams, there is no real business opportunity without risk. Serious entrepreneurs know that, but too many “wannabes” still fall for that elusive get-rich-quick scheme with no risk. As an active angel investor, I still hear entrepreneurs asserting large opportunities with minimal risk and Read More

Marketing Mantra Podcast Ep. #32 - The WeWork Fiasco, Explained

Avatar Posted by 99signals under Startups
From 1825 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on October 2, 2019 6:22 pm
In this episode, I talk about the recent WeWork fiasco. From its delayed IPO to the bizarre behavior of the company's co-founder & CEO, Adam Neumann, WeWork has been making the news lately for all the wrong reasons. So in this episode, I'll break down the sequence of events that unfolded over the p Read More
Successful entrepreneurs and brand designers share the same habits that make coming up with great logo ideas quite a bit easier — find out what they are.

As an entrepreneur or a graphic designer you have to make sure you consume the right information in order to come up with great logo ideas.
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