This is a great review of Anita's webinar on using coupons and discounts online, in the smartest ways possible. Lisa Barone summarizes: "In yesterday's post about how small business owners can learn social media, I noted that webinars gave business owners a great way to learn from experts without..." Read More
Star of Day One of 2010 Masters: Freddie Couples and his ECCO golf shoes. Tiger and Nike respond with their video ad. Read More
What are your thoughts? What do you think was Nike's purpose? Is this ad 'selling' something or doing something else? I'll give you my thoughts tomorrow, but I'd like to hear your thoughts today......

This gives us a good place to start a discussing about advertising, uses, purposes and goals. Read More
Take Names and Kick Butt … A Prescription for Commercial AdAgencies
Here are four ways that I would’ve rewritten the scripts of all the commercials I saw (and a select few actually did this):

1. Drive people online for more info (or to a Chevy Chase video to continue the brand interaction. Remember time interacting with a brand means more brand loyalty).

2. Get... Read More
It is funny to discover that some web analytic applications, despite their name, are not "analytic enough". Read More
In recent years, podcasting has become quite a phenomenon. Who hasn't heard of iPods or Apple iPods - small portable and trendy media Read More
Google built an empire out of serving consumers ads matching exactly what they were looking for at exact right moment ... Read More
Canadians spend more time on the Internet than on the TV. What will come as a shock is the disproportionate advertising spend that goes to Newspapers compared to the Internet – This will show that the end of newspapers is near. Read More
Still under the gloomy financial crisis, many major brands and companies were forced to scale back their marketing budgets in 2009. However, the minority saw this as an opportunity instead, allowing them to maintain or even grow their adspend to take advantage of reduced media costs.
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With the current economy businesses need to be smart about how they are spending each dollar. Here is a list detailing the five best ways to advertise on a budget. Read More

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