Today’s consumers are all about instant gratification. But most workers still have to wait two weeks between paychecks.
That means, at any given time, they have likely done hours of work over the last week or two and have yet to see the fruits of that labor.
That’s where Ram Palaniappan saw a hol Read More
Corporations get exactly what they want with a CPM system in terms of the ability to proactively and effectively make decisions. Also, there is better accountability and transparency that are part of this, and compliance with legislations becomes more effective.
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The improving economy is good news for small business owners in most ways but one. As the economy bounces back from the Great Recession, employees are feeling more confident in their ability to find better jobs elsewhere. And for small business owners, the costs associated with replacing an employe Read More
When you work for a big company, getting health insurance is a breeze. You sign up, and you’re covered. But if you’re self-employed, a part-time employee, or a small business owner, getting insurance is a difficult and expensive prospect.
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Does your employee handbook captivate your employees or completely bore them, so much so that they don't ever read it? Of course it should contain rules and regulations but it should also contain good information which engage your employees. Read More
Old guidance was based on a human being scanning through a pile of resumes, but now robust software performs that task. So rules that were originally designed for human eyes need to be re-thought with technology-based scanning in mind. It’s time for a real paradigm shift in how we tell job-seekers Read More
You’re so focused on unplugging and decompressing over the next few days that an appointment may have slipped your mind.... Read More
While not everyone may like pets around, bringing pets to the office is actually very beneficial for employees. A recent study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management stated that stress declined for people who brought their dogs to work. When owners left their dogs at Read More
If you’re feeling great about your company, there’s a better chance that you live in Arkansas than Pennsylvania.... Read More
A question I’m asked all the time is: “How can I involve my on-site employees in the volunteer experience?”

Maybe these employees work at a call center. Maybe they’re.. Read More

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