Ebook Internet marketing for small business, whether the ebook you create will be sold as a product or used for marketing purposes, begins with locating search engine keywords appropriate to the topic in which you are interested. To get started, Scott Brooks of HowToWriteEbooks.net has created this video showing how to use the "Ask" search engin Read More
Business.com is doing a study of the business social media landscape. Take survey to include your business and get free report. Read More
In this video, part of a series called "Who Pops Your Popcorn", business consultant Rod Alan Richardson of www.rodalan.com gives a wonderful overview of marketing for small business. In the interview, Rod insists that marketing is particularly important in small business where, he says, there is no room to delegate the responsibility to someone Read More
The idea is to create a strategy, implement your plan and then duplicate the process over and over again. Read More
Do Executive Summaries create an incentive or disincentive to read white paper content? That was the question posted via a Twitter polling site last week. You can see the results of this poll, and three key points that will help you to craft better Executive Summaries for your white paper. Thanks and I welcome your feedback. Jonathan Kantor Read More
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn and 5 tips for Facebook) I'm covering some tips for business use of Twitter here. I've actually written about some of these tips in great detail before in this free ebook - Twitter for Business, but this can act as a quick primer for folks who like their info sn Read More
If you've read this blog for any amount of time you know that my definition of marketing is getting someone who has a need to know, like and trust you. And that's precisely why I give Chris Brogan and Julien Smith's book Trust Agents in the must read category. This is blatant promotion for someone who's earned my trust, as I hope I've earned yo Read More
Think how successful business people got connections and built relationships in the 1940's, 1950's, the 1960's, the 1970's, etc. I'm talking WAY before we had Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. etc. I'm talking way before computers. Hey, I'm talking even before Bill Gates was born!. To build success in business, you have to build quality rel Read More
QR Codes. In Japan, they're just about everywhere and they have transformed the way brands interact with consumers. They feature on TV advertising, business cards, products, websites, newspapers, magazines, posters, direct mail, outdoor ads, and even graves! In a Japanese survey conducted way back in 2005, 73.3% of respondents advised that they ha Read More
Tips for small business advertising include an understanding that not all advertising can be expected to increase sales directly. Check out the following article from Entrepreneur.com appearing in thestreetadvertising.com. Other objectives for an advertising campaign might include raising awareness, product recognition and brand loyalty. Remember Read More

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