In the UK Business websites have emerged as highly valued and indispensable source of information for decision makers in business, finds the study done by AOP (Association of Online Publishers in the UK) conducted in association with IPSOS Mori earlier this year (April 2008). For decision makers business to business websites are in 51% the preferr Read More
“Content is king!” is a common phrase. It used to mean that content drove targeted traffic and leads/sales. Read More
Following are 10 simple steps you can do today to build your StumbleUpon profile, your personal network and traffic to your blog. Read More
Since this is the time when marketers put forward their forecasts for trends in 2009, here are some of our prediction on where we see marketing lists and data headed in 2009. Read More
If you think social media is only for teenagers, think again. Now is a perfect time to leverage social networks to market your business and insulate your company from some of the challenges less connected businesses face. Read More
A think tank of 26 successful consultants offers their top 7 tips on getting new customers for your business. Read More
In the mist of all the doom and gloom here are 5 tips managers are applying to gain a higher proportion of a smaller number of orders during the slowdown and be primed and to be ready when the downturn is over. Read More
Establishing Security Requirements The objective of this series of blog posts is to take the reader through the process of designing a baseline security architecture for voice solutions base on a generic Implementation. Part 1 of this series will focus on how and where security requirements fit in to the Risk Management process. Read More
Yes, the headline isn't really breaking news to many of us. However, I received an interesting report this week that ties numbers to the tumultuous newspaper industry and its struggle to remain relevant, today and tomorrow. I wanted to share the numbers with you... Read More
If you're like most marketers, you spend a lot of time and resources creating and promoting your brand through offline channels such as television, radio, and newspapers. Clearly, it's something worth protecting. But what if you could improve your branding investment and make it even more worthwhile, reinforcing your offline branding efforts throu Read More

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