Join the fun as the startup sales mentor helps those that sell the new get better at what they do. Oops that rhymed, oh well... Happy New Year Read More
Concentrate on building a large number of followers. The more people that follow you and know what you are about, the more clicks and visits you will get to your blog. But make sure you don't start following people who don't have interest in your subject. Read More
In order to retain the attention of prospects and clients visiting your small business website, the content you present needs to be organized, easy to read and search engine compatible. Writing for the web is different - Web users have limited attention spans, tending to scan pages for specific information rather than reading all content. Read More
Just before the US financial crisis, fall of the banking system and the global economic meltdown, we saw a lot of global companies take keen interest in getting a foot in the growing Indian market. Though India was not spared by the financial crisis that started in the more developed countries, the economy and predicted growth rate of between 7-9% Read More
Top Sales Blog will be giving away three (3) copies of a new sales book, Five Minutes With VITO. Read More is a social network for small businesses. It helps entrepreneurs engage and do business with investors and service providers, such as accountants or lawyers, as well as other entrepreneurs. It's video-based and has five distinct communities for anyone starting, running, growing or selling a business. The product that often grabs peop Read More
The funnel has become a cylinder inviting leads at one end, who become customers at the other end. During their journey through the cylinder your marketing and sales need to feed them and exchange concepts, strategic ideas and insights to move them further towards to their purchase decision. Read More
Instead of a data entry and reporting system, the CRM needs to change into an aggregator of data from different sources. Read More
There are no real 'secrets' you need to learn in order to increase your blog traffic, so today I'm going to share what I know and how I effectively build traffic. This can be used on sites you are just starting up or on blogs that are already established, there should be something here for everyone to benefit from. Read More

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