Marketing can be pretty bewildering for most companies, especially when it comes to marketing on radio and TV. First of all, should you even test radio or TV to market your products? Before answering this question, consider these seven points… Read More
When it comes to managing your online reputation, filling out a free personal Google Profile can help dictate what others read about you online. Read More
Many companies struggle to get their product the shelf space they need to succeed. Maybe the people you need to be talking to are not the store managers, but the customers who would buy your product and have them tell the store to order it. Read on. Read More
Public relations is the hot potato of the marketing budget. Chief Financial Officers hate it, while salespeople and business development executives love it. The truth is the ROI of PR is very different than the ROI of advertising and no less valuable. But, because of the differences, it requires an Read More
Technology and people’s attention spans have caused a change in media. If you want to promote your company, book or product, you need to understand these changes and how to address them. Read on and learn some tips! Read More
Planning an Event: Tip from Magnolia Jazz Band, entertaining at weddings & parties in San Francisco Bay Area & San Jose. Early Bird Discount Read More
With so many avenues available to people online to give their opinions on your business, looking after your online reputation is a must. When was the last time you Googled your own name or your business name? Read More
According to BlogPulse, there were 152 million blogs on the Internet at the end of 2010. So how do you know which bloggers to target when you’re promoting yourself or your company? Here are a few tips to help you. Read More
It can be hard to know or like all your customers equally. If you’re a middle-aged business owner, perhaps you’re just not enthusiastic about decoding the differences between Generation X, Generation Y, and the whole youth segment. Or if you have always sold only B2B, perhaps you don’t feel motivat Read More
When was the last time you Googled your own name or your business name? If it’s been a while do it now and be prepared to deal with whatever you discover... Read More

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