24 different professionals provide their tips on how to improve networking capabilities and results. Read More
Many do not understand what they’ve gotten when it comes to editorial placements in a PR campaign. It’s easy to misunderstand actual readers to stats. Here is an article to clarify what you’re really getting. Read on. Read More
Being an industry expert is easier these days, but perhaps you feel a little “industry envy” when it comes to your field. No field is too big, or too small, to brand yourself as the go-to expert. Read on! Read More
We hear a lot about buzz, but what is “buzz” exactly – and how does it start? How are you getting viral buzz for your book, product or service? Read on! Read More
One dilemma I often encounter is the preconceived notion of what it takes to make a sale. Many believe there are certain absolutes in the sales cycle. There aren’t! There’s only one absolute—exposure; without it no sale is made. Read More
If your PR campaign has stalled and responses are few or you’re receiving too many advertising requests, read why and how to correct it. It’s the little things that make a difference on success. Read on. Read More
I cringe when I hear people talk about “the media.” It’s as if everyone in TV, radio and print are the same. Nothing is further from the truth. Here are some tips to help you with a great print interview. Read More
I have an e-book titled “50 Tips on Becoming a Top Television Guest.” I thought it’d be good to share these tips with all of you, in case you get interviewed on TV. Here are 10 of my tips. Read More
It’s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.” – Jerry Seinfeld

That is so true… find out why? Read on. Read More
Whether a well-read blog, a national newspaper or a community publication, traditional media still have the power to capture eyeballs and establish credibility. Here are some ways you can grab the attention of the media, and build relationships with key journalists in your industry. Read More

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