We are thrilled to be writing for the International Freelancers Academy! Here’s our first article on “Getting Media Exposure to Generate Freelance Leads and Clients” // Share and Enjoy: Read More
Does your competition regularly shop you "in disguise?" Do you get offended or openly answer questions. Here is one businesswoman's take on the situation. Read More
This is a great list to help a business owner decide if radio is a right fit for them. From what I understand it is much easier to book radio interviews these days. Read More
Many of today’s business owners and executives find themselves frustrated when dealing with the subject of marketing. I thought it might be helpful to share some basics about marketing, PR and advertising, as it relates to your company’s growth. Read More
Buzz marketing is a powerful tool that many people do not understand nor apply, but it’s value is so important, as it brands a company and lays the foundation for future stability and growth. Read on and see if this is for you. Read More
It's been about ten days since I went to my favorite Business social media site, BizSugar, and was quite appalled to see a submission titled "Hitler Finds Out About Blogging!"

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When Apple introduced the iPad in January 2010, it had a big hit on its hands. According to research from the NDP Group, 80 percent of the people who bought an iPad in the first two months were “very satisfied.” But then things changed when only 65% of the people who bought them in the third and fo Read More
Commercials no longer have the reaching power it used to. With DVRs, movies-on-demand and remote controls, people are tuning out in droves. So how can reach your customer? Read on learn how PR is more effective. Read More
The immense popularity of social networks have been some of the most exciting new directions for PR and marketing that I have experienced. Many don't do it effectively. Read a few tips that will help. Read More
Publicity delivers same benefits as marketing at a lower cost. In addition, it builds a long lasting positive impression about your business in the minds of customers thereby increasing your sales and brand value. In this post we show various approaches to get publicity at low cost for your small b Read More

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