Questions are not only great for involving buyers in the process, but they can help in dealing with the competition too. The right question left in the right place with a buyer can go a long way in keeping the competition at bay. Read More
When a salesperson leaves their job and sales to pursue a job that is not in sales, you know that you made a serious hiring mistake. Read More
Too often, we tend to think of our value propositions as static.  Effective value propositions will change as we execute our sales process. Early on, as we Read More
Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working   - - Unknowns Yet another perspective on the power of persistence! Read More
As managers and leaders, if you don't care about your customers, if you don't care about your people, if you don't demonstrate some leadership, why should you expect anything better from your people. Each of us, as leaders, set an example for our people. Let's make sure we set the right example! Read More
Clients are demanding. They want what they want. Sometimes it feels as if they expect everything to be perfect. They don’t. But they do have expectations. Read More
There is more than one way to skin a cat (as the saying goes). The same can be said about your blog, there is more than one way to make money blogging. In fact there might be hundreds of ways to make money from your blog without you even knowing all of them.

Great money making tips from your blo Read More
Most of the organizations I work with are very high performance organizations.  They have great products, great sales people, and provide solutions that can Read More
Do you find it hard to find sales leads? Want to know an easier way to get more sales with less effort? It involves some work on your part, but it takes about 6 X less effort (industry average). Read More
Price is not just an issue in new sales, but with existing accounts as well. A challenge many sales people face is selling a price increase in a soft market. Read More

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