Good Marketing & A Good Cause

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4984 days ago
My daughter got me connected with Kiva a year or two ago. I continue to participate because I think their concept of how charitable donations should work is outstanding. It’s not a handout, it’s a loan; a micro-loan of $1,000 or so backed by individuals like me in $25 chunks. We make the loan ex Read More
Over the past few months, I have had the opportunity to talk and write a lot about value propositions.  I've seen a lot of approaches and thought it would be Read More
Inside sales and field sales professionals should all have a LinkedIn profile. If not, 10 Reasons why you need a LinkedIn profile should have a effect on you. It’s always nice to meet with a group of people to discuss the use of sales 2.0 tools like LinkedIn and hear their opinions of what works an Read More
Often I get into conversations with very successful sales professionals or leaders. They have a track record of meeting their goals, consistently meeting quota. Justifiably, they're proud. But then, I pose the question, Are you achieving enough? Are you reaching your full potential? Often, the reac Read More
Today, our guest blogger Nigel Edelshain, looks at17 Pieces of Collateral Sales People Might Actually Use. From Testimonials to Sales 2.0 tools, all to help sales people execute better.
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LinkedIn is the business professionals platform is not always the first choice when we think about growing a business. Growing a business in social media we immediately think of Twitter and Facebook as they have the power of engagement. People interact more on Twitter and Facebook as we can send a Read More
For your sales manager, your sales force automation measures activity, manages the pipeline, and forecasts revenue. There are better reasons for you to use it. Read More
Let me make a confession up front. I copped out on the title of this post, if I had really been honest and courageous, I would have titled this, Am I Being Too Glib In Talking About Sales Performance Management? If you are a regular follower of this blog, you know I talk about this very frequently, Read More
Your salesperson made a mistake. Making them pay for their mistake costs you more than you can afford, and does nothing to help either you or your salesperson. Read More
Want to know one of the secrets to business success? It’s knowing your competition. When you first started your company, you probably did market research where you assessed your major competitors to find out what you were getting into and where you could gain an edge. As our businesses grow, howeve Read More

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