VISION: In my opinion, everyone has a vision, no matter how limited it may seem, of what they perceive to be the good life.

GOAL: In my opinion, people buy goods and services because of the benefits (payoff) they believe they can/will receive as a result. Read More
The blogger appears to be suggesting that in no more than three years 50% of all purchases in all market sectors will fall within the category of Transactional Selling.

While I can agree that advances in technology (Internet, e-commerce, etc.) have impacted buying behaviors I question the extent Read More
You may not know it, but your sales manager knows when you are working and when you aren’t. And, she doesn’t need to look at your activity reports. Read More
Too often, it seems that sales people's questioning strategies are not really oriented about discovering the customer's needs, priorities, and requirements. Instead, they seem oriented to getting the customer to say a specific thing or respond in a specific manner. Once the sales person hears the d Read More
It's happened to me again... A whole chunk of my knowledge about sales and marketing just got blown up; has become utterly obsolete. I'm specifically talking about radio. Read More
Do you have a tough time booking sales meetings with new prospective clients? Want to know a way to increase your success rate in booking new meetings? Read More
Sales professionals are largely the public face of a company or organizations and people judge the company by seeing and judging the sales personnel. Sales professionals need to have... Read More
To succeed in sales, you have to know the outcome that you want from the actions you are taking, and you have to have a single-minded focus on achieving that outcome Read More
I hear from sales people all over, My manager won't let go!  She's micro managing me!  As I listened to these complaints, as I started to watch and see Read More
WWJD. What would (Steve) Jobs do?

Hugh Hefner recently tweeted that Playboy Magazine would become available on the ipad. Uncensored. But will Apple allow it? Read More

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