If you are a non-salesperson that needs to sell, the first thing you need to do is to change what you believe about “selling.” Read More
I read a post from Miller Heiman on How Do You Know If You Are Wasting Time With Propects.  It's a good article encouraging focus on your sweet spot.  You Read More
Are you having a tough time getting into a company? Want to know a way that you can increase your odds of opening the door & getting in to see the right person? Read More
In today's guest post, Arthur Gould looks at the role of questions in increasing sales. Art outlines methods and attributes of key questions.
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Threats are sometimes spoken, and sometimes they are implied. And sometimes you believe promises that can’t be kept. Both can hold you hostage. Read More
I created a controversy in my blog the other day by suggesting we Put Marketing On Commission! There were a lot of different things that arose in the various discussions the post provoked. One thing that struck me is how little people understand the construction of commission systems Read More
Let me confess, I'm a contol freak. It bothers me to think that being in control is an illusion. As sales people, business professionals, managers and leaders, we are always trying to control something. As sales people, we try to control the sales process---yet it's the customer that is in control Read More
If you are a new B2B salesperson, these 9 essential books will help you to build a foundation upon which to build a successful career in business-to-business sales. Read More
As sales managers move into new roles or plan their year, there is a lot of pressure to set stretch goals. Reaching these goals requires resources. Read More
Performance management is a hot issue. Sales leaders and business managers constantly strive to get the highest levels of performance from their people and teams. We coach, provide tools and systems, create processes, measure and reward. All of these are important, but I think we tend to overlook a Read More

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