While there is a lot of things that sales people have to manage and juggle while executing a sales, making sure that their sales process is aligned with the buyer's buying process is key. Mismanaging this, leads to both longer sales cycles, lost sales and a lot of misspent energy and resources. Read More
Selling is all about two-way conversations, often taking place in real time. Salespeople speak to potential customers, answer questions, and address concerns. They also provide information on the fly and adjust messages so customers are persuaded to buy. That’s the way the process is supposed to work — as long as sales is aligned with marketing, says Linda Bishop… Read More
No American can afford to treat salesmanship as a small matter. Why? Because the United States started out on a salesmanship basis for this reason: because only thirteen states were gained by war and all the others were gained by purchase and bargaining. Read More
The number one reason salespeople fail is that they aren’t really salespeople in the first place. The second reason salespeople fail is that, although they possess most of the attributes necessary to succeed in sales, they cannot temper the independence that comes with sales with the personal responsibility and self-discipline required to succeed. Read More
Since sales don't unfold in a straight line, sales people should not be surprised at getting "no" along the way. In fact they should be looking for way to get some "No's" to help the sale along. Read More

How to Raise Prices

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From http://bit.ly 5278 days ago
If 90% of entrepreneurs have under-priced themselves, plus many businesses have cut prices during the recession, how do you raise prices now that the economy is picking up again? I asked Bob Goedjen of Silicon Valley SCORE to give us his insights. Read More
The primary reason that salespeople fail is that they are salespeople in name only. They fail because they never truly embrace sales. It is this failure to completely embrace sales that prevents them from taking the actions necessary to succeed in sales. Read More
Before Sales 2.0, there was Punk Sales. Malcolm McLaren like many others were able to combine marketing and sales to meet a demand missed by others. Read More
Sales should be about creating long-term loyalty instead of short-term fixes. Each day people are sold products/services without any sincerity or focus on their true needs. As consumers, we want more. We want a connection, not a sales pitch. Read More
The pursuit of your biggest and best dream client can dominate your time and your focus. But don’t let the work you do to win the dream client destroy your future sales by eliminating your prospecting activity. No excuses. Each hour on the dream client needs to be matched an hour building your future dream client. Read More

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