Employers will be pleased that a ruling from the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) has stated that employees must comply with their employers annual holiday policy. If they don't then they risk losing their holiday entitlement. Read More
With the progress in technology and widespread accessibility of Internet connections and private computers almost everywhere, the World Wide Web has become an effective platform for carrying on and pr Read More
People who are new to making sales online often miss peak online selling months, because of either a lack of preparation or a failure to understand online seasonality. Because search engine optimization (SEO) takes weeks or months to take effect, it's important to have most of the basic work implemented in advance of demand. Read More
Most business owners dedicate countless hours of time and money to ensure that their business is in compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations - but what about the businesses you work with? An essential aspect of running a business is verifying that your vendors and suppliers are up to par, since their standings can affect your operations and reputation. This fact sheet provides g Read More
Web developers keep telling us that we need amazing, cutting edge websites to provide wonderful experiences for our visitors.
I don't buy this, and think that in most cases they just want to build monuments to their own creativity.
I believe that if you have good quality content, then you don't need the fancy gimmicks to attract and maintain visitors.
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At the heart of every ethical SEO campaign is a set of basic principles . . . whether you're using DIY SEO tactics or hiring an agency for an enterprise-level search engine optimization program. Check out these 7 proven steps (and get a bonus tip). Read More
Are you thinking about starting a resale consignment shop? Read on for a quick overview of the consignment business and steps to take to start your own shop. Read More
Where is your company heading? Do you have a plan to get there? Are all your available resources and assets aligned in the same direction as your growth plans?

Growth isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Whether you feel your business is ready to diversify its service offerings, enter new markets, or branch into new territory, a strategic and operational plan for growth is a must.

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Last week I wrote about the development of FourSquare Day and why it was an opportunity waiting to happen for your business. Today, I'm proud to announce that this little idea that started in the creative mind of Dr. Nate Bonilla-Warford (Optometrist and Social Media Superhero) has become an international epidemic. FourSquare has proclaimed April 16th as the Official FourSquare Day and people aro Read More
My grandfather worked in the same factory for 30 years. He worked his way up the ladder (and pay scale), and they paid his retirement benefits until the day he died.

Those days are long gone. Retirement plans have given way to 401Ks. Employee promotions are pretty rare. Most companies view their employees as expendable. Many employees see their employers as nothing more than a means to an Read More

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