An explanation of why niche marketing works, what it means for your business and why it doesn't mean turning away business. Read More
The Pantless Knights have done it again, this time with a new video titled “The New Dork.” It is a parody of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys’s “Empire State of Mind” that pays tribute to entrepreneurs, hipsters and computer scientist.
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Some lead from the front and some lead from behind. If you want to lead your team to great results, you can't do it from behind a desk or spreadsheet. Read More
Everyone knows that the top 20% of salespeople generate 80% of the results. This is a surefire plan to not be bothered with the pressure of getting results or having to carry the bottom 80%. Here’s how to maintain your place in the bottom 80%. Read More
Pay per click adverting is being used nowadays by most online businesses. Although PPC search engine internet advertising has quite straightforward guidelines of use, its effectiveness in terms of clicks and conversions is highly dependent on the quality of your ad copy. Read More
Do you provide a service that requires online payment or subscription? This is the story of MyProjectTracker's online payment decisions. The question was whether to go for a Payment Server Provider, such as Realex, or Payment Bureau like PayPal. Read More
It’s not the designers; who get your business sued by the giants but it’s you who make it happen by rendering services of freelance designers.

Who knows you may have to pay a huge amount for a CHEAP logo design! Think carefully before making such a decision. Are you saving money or adding to your woes? Read More
Thanks to the recent economic carnage, the fear of shopping is keeping many buyers out of the marketplace and it's up to business owners to make it safe again for customers to do business with them. Read More
How many of us “like ourselves”? How many of us have poked around our warts and owned up to the things we hate about ourselves, counter-balanced it out with a list of our strengths and decided that, on the whole, we still like ourselves? Read More
IT outsourcing is a smart move for many small businesses looking to save costs, take advantage of outside knowledge, and focus on their core products/services. Outsourcing can also lead to a sustained competitive advantage for the same reasons. Read More

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