First impressions go a long way in sales, casual is casual, and B2B sales is not casual. Command the respect you deserve by looking the part of a pro. Read More
The phrase “Authentic Leadership” has gained currency over the last few years but what exactly does it mean? How does “leadership” become “authentic”? Well, its probably fair to say that most people fall into leadership (e.g., senior management) roles. The route many (most?) people take is that they get a job somewhere, find out they're pretty g Read More
This morning at a Networking Event which I had organised in aid of Childline one of the presenters, Shane Twomey, a fellow HR consultant, threw out a question that really made me think! ” How do you reward poor performers“. Initially he was met with stunned silence. You could almost hear people thinking—”what on earth is he talking about—who wou Read More
How could a SWOT analysis be my best friend? Think about the last time you had a really deep, soul-connecting conversation with a gHappy business partnersood friend. Your business is such a major part of your life, even at times, a consuming part. This analysis is really a conversation between your business and you and/or your business partners ab Read More
These are my favorite questions to start a value-add dialog with your employees. When they know you are interested in them as people, they respond. When they see you know their talents, values and interests, they feel important and become more loyal. Read More
Some students may find themselves at a loss for sources of data if no reference list is provided. Several students are still unaware of how and where to look for sources for their essay's supporting data. Here are some guide questions that may help students in starting their essay research: Read More
Many of you may shout of course not, that is rubbish as customer care is at the centre of small business marketing. Well doing a Google search may suggest otherwise. Read More
Do you know the number one reason people leave their jobs? It's not because of money or the company dress policy. It's not because they did not get the corner office or because they were passed over for that much-deserved promotion. Read More
Marketing is the most common problem that people running or starting small businesses ask me about. Typically, they say something like, "I've placed some ads but they just don't seem to be doing anything." — in other words, not bringing them the customers, clients or sales they desire. Read More
Creating the right environment for the team is equally important. People will give their best when they feel that their services are being valued and that they are entrusted with producing a part of the success of the venture. Read More

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