Well-known Venture Capital investor Brad Feld wrote these tips for a book on startup back in 2004 and also posted them on his blog. Though some are arguable, especially for those who practice part-tome entrepreneurship since Brad seems pretty firmly behind the idea of being a full-time entrepreneur, the tips are still interesting. They are also re Read More
Small business will see an increasing market among consumers in China for a wide variety of products in the near future. Alan Gershenhorn, president of UPS International, who has obvious interest in this growing market, explains in an article posted at Small Business Opportunities online how by 2025, by some projections, China will be the largest Read More
A key marketing decision, given the multitude of techniques available, is the choice of promotional blend needed to communicate with the target audience. For the marketer, a careful approach is needed when deciding how to communicate and how to showcase your company. Social media might prove powerful, but so far, advertising in traditional media h Read More
Clarity is the first step of powerful collaboration. Here is a five-step process I came across earlier this week that makes a lot of sense (By Rachel Kellogg) Read More
A new report from FED Razorfish , that looks into consumers' digital habits and attitudes, are showing that the best way for brands to engage consumers on social media is to use conventional marketing techniques like various discounts and exclusive promotions. According to the report, it is more about great deals and not so much about some type of Read More
Customer service, something we as business people and also consumers encounter every day. From grabbing our first cup of coffee at our favorite store to our first phone call of the day, we take part in the consumer experience as well as have an impact on our on customers experience. Read More
Part 2 of 3 for Building a Championship Pipeline: Sales people get pulled in many different directions. From lead generation on the front end, to closing the deal on the back end, there is a lot to do! Throughout the process, you must be committed to adding new opportunities to your pipeline. The following is a list of things I do to continu Read More
Looking to fine-tune your PPC campaigns and drive more relevant traffic to your website? Then check out these five tips that help you write converting ad copy. Read More
I have been using a PC for many years and I was always curious about an Apple Mac but never bought one. My laptop finally packed in so I decided to invest in a Apple Macbook Pro which cost 1,500 euro. This is probably 50% more than I wanted to pay for a laptop but was it worth it? Read More
You don't have to be a marketing expert anymore to put an ezine together or blast your prospects with an e-marketing campaign or a cool survey. They are all great ways to engage with your customers and Web 2.0 has given us fantastic, easy to use tools. Read More

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