How can I keep myself motivated long term? This seems to be quite a common dilemma for many people so I want to address it because it can be done! Here are my tips for staying motivated: Read More
In this interview with former Thompson Reuters CEO and President Dick Harrington for a post at Harvard Business Publishing we are given a look at how small business and big business differ and what lessons small business leaders can learn from industry titans. Certainly scalability may be the most difficult challenge small businesses must tackle, Read More
In this great post from consultant Peter Bergman at Harvard Business Publishing we're treated to an appealing argument for the advantage small business may have not only in the recession but coming out the other side into the economic recovery over larger companies that have lost their customers' trust. Bergman believes the advantages of being b Read More
You can use CafePress to develop retail business offline as well as on, according to this post from R. Jean Roth in Roth says the time to look at starting offline retail is after your designs have already caught on in your online store or perhaps you've gotten questions from customers about where else they can find your creations. R Read More
Squidoo Community Organizer Kimberly Dawn Wells has whipped together this fine lens site about using CafePress to create a small business in online retail. All you need is a good idea, some creativity, appropriate design software and a savy for marketing. CafePress makes it possible to create a store to showcase the merchandise you create at no in Read More
If you're new to affiliate marketing, it can be difficult to get accepted by many affiliate programs. But if you can't get accepted, how can you make any money? Scott Fox outlines 5 helpful strategies that can help you get accepted by affiliate program managers today. Read More
How much more upside potential is there after a 67% monster rally for the technology sector? After all, there are resistance levels the market tends to respect. With slashed semiconductor demand, weak earnings reports from Dell, and an uncertain holiday shopping season ahead, is the tech sector overvalued? Read More
It's more important than ever these days to take stock of who you are spending your time with? Are you hanging around with positive opportunists or negative nellies who are running around screaming the sky is falling. Read More
How to get the upper edge under any crisis communications situation. Read More
We read the reports. Sifted the data. Nagged insiders until they gave up the goods. Now, here's the result: 10-plus business trends that are thriving even in this economy. Read More

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