CindyKing commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Incorporating Social Media into Disaster Communications
"I really liked this article - and think it applies to everyone on social media. I totally agree with staying message focused instead of channel focused. Make that strategic message focused and I think that was the key to the success of my first Tweet Plan. I see so many people get caught up in the "fun" channel gadgets and how they identify themselves with this that they forget the value of their message."Incorporating Social Media into Disaster Communications
"I actually went and got a copy of the report mentioned in this article - it is well worth looking at too. And don't let the "Crisis Communications" stop you, there is a very good read for anyone doing anything on social media."Social Media for Social Good
"This was a thought-provoking read for me. I wonder if those twitter games (where you go around killing people or doing something negative), put people in the wrong mindset... it seems that some people have a hard time coming up with "good" ideas. This article might help to get on the right track."3 Small Business Marketing Price Promotion Tips
"As a consumer I know I do react to the price... but it really is a combination of factors. For example, a wrong price in an up-sell or a cross-sell can make me stop buying from someone I would normally have kept on my radar. This article definitely raises points to keep in mind."Links And International Social Networking
"Thanks for the feedback Shawn. On the positive side, when I do find people who "get it" with regards to linking, this creates some wonderful friendships. And I do think you need a healthy dose of "zen attitude", or something similar. I just read a rant about "fake" comments or the quick and easy "like" click to try to gain visibility. This made me realize that I prefer flexible guidelines for what is acceptable and what is considered not "cool". "Subscribe
Online marketing discovers social media
"Some great comparisons of Canadian social media practices with different countries."