ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
5 More SEO Strategies for SMBs to Avoid
"Hi Valentine, Yep, thanks for the share. But about things like "link bait" I think it comes down to this. If you have quality content, it gets linked to...and shared. Simple as that. I think sometimes people shoot themselves in the foot with all these schemes. Some people say it shows laziness, but to me it seems like a much greater effort than simply sharing something valuable...AND it doesn't work as well. So the upside is...? "Mastering the Art of Monitoring Small Business Trends - with Anita Campbell
"Great interview Torrey and Anita, though I am, of course, biased. I think the most interesting thing is that this is one of those interviews anyone interested in developing an online content publishing business can use as a road map for success. Great job!"Moving your brand from local to national recognition
"Bonnie, I think one of the things that really caught my eye here was the advice to think regionally. Perhaps a lot of people, myself included, tend to think locally then nationally then globally. But this is crazy when you think about it, even on the Internet. When I was in the newspaper business, a communications system that can be thought of as a very crude forerunner of this kind of information distribution, you were always thinking about whether local stories could also be played regionally. It seems, with the Internet, we've lost some of that thinking reasoning that if the Internet can reach the whole world then that should be our target audience. But this makes no sense, because speaking engagements, personal appearances, book signings, product demonstrations, should all be planned regionally for maximum impact. Why plan your big face-to-face event in your home town 20 miles from New York City if you can have it in New York City instead? Just because you can promote your home town globally from the Internet? Where will you draw the most people, potentially the most media interest and definitely the most Internet search interest? A regional approach is the logical springboard for any national campaign. "Using Social Media To Market Healthy Living
"Thanks, Duncan. We had great fun doing the post and I think it's a great example of how social media can be effectively used to launch just about any kind of business. But this is especially true with niche products that address a very specific set of needs and concerns as in this case. "8 Business Ideas- Low on Investment and High on Potential
"A nice list of ideas, Mariam. What's more, I think some of them would work in conjunction with already existing businesses. For example, if you already own a retail or other business why not ad a food component? If you offer graphics, why not add copywriting services? If you offer a product or service, why not add consulting to teach people how to use it? If you know a friend who already owns a business that might complement a product or service you could offer, why not partner with them to create a whole greater than the sum of the parts. Great post, and thanks for sharing. "Subscribe Preparing New Version of Blog Publisher AtomWord for July Release
"A new free blogging platform for businesses. Does anyone have any experience with this one? Though the press release says the new version will be up in July, it seems like a free login platform is available right now. Has anyone had any experience with their previous pay versions of the platform, good or bad? Love to hear."