ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Selling Smarter and Leaner
"Hey Doyle, I agree with you about 50 percent here not because I think we should keep talking value and never lower prices when warranted, but because I think value is related to price. If your service or product is badly priced, whether in a recession or not, it's a function of value simply because someone may like what you're selling but not the price assigned to it. Hence it isn't valuable to them. However, I think there's a BIG difference between this scenario and the situation in which a customer simply sees no value in what you're offering and is using price as an excuse. In this case, if you aren't aware what's going on in your client's mind, you may simply be buying their business with incentives and price cuts. If you can't sustain these giveaways when times get better, you may soon get another harsh lesson in what kind of value these types of customers truly place on your products and services."Are You Passionate Enough?
"Maybe we worry too much over this question. I believe some people end up getting into business for themselves out of necessity, others because of something deeply innate. Few people who get into it for the wrong reason succeed but then who am I to tell someone with the desire to try that his/her reasons are wrong?"Businesses Should Stay Off Twitter. Here's Why.
"Zane, I had a good laugh over this...after I realized you weren't serious about encouraging businesses to stay off Twitter. It's amazing how many similar points of view you really do hear from the owners and management of businesses that are slowly (or in some cases quickly) going down the drain."The Three Natural Phases of Successful Small Business Growth
"I think there are some fundamental shifts here too that people really need to be ready for, those situations in which someone's entire business, maybe right down to the model, changes. It can feel scary, as if your business is failing as you let go of an old part of your business and older customers and embrace a new one. But if you fail to make the change when warranted you could be in for the slow decent to failure."Small business under attack?
"I have to say I sometimes find Jeff's anti-socialism shtick a bit shrill. After all, it's a little late to complain about socialism in a country that accepts the idea of social security and heavy regulation of many industries without question. But it does seem arguments like the one being advanced by the group Jeff is complaining about make little sense in view of the fact that obviously mandated health care will raise rather than lower the cost of start up. "Subscribe
Social Media Toolkit from OPEN Forum
"Creatively honing the skill set to effectively use all of these tools is essentially the key. And I think it not only takes time. Different tools probably don't work effectively the same way for any two products or services so there's a good amount of customization to be done."