Alastair commented on the following stories on BizSugar
10 Dos and Don’ts for Being a Good Social Media Citizen
"Lol. I just wrote a whole essay commenting on this and it turned out it's too long so it got deleted. I like your tips and Bizsugar will be a better place if people follow them. There seems to be a lot of concern about users who submit and do not otherwise engage. I frequently vote for content submitted by users who, as far as I can see, neither comment nor vote and only submit their own articles. If they submit good content I will vote for it. There will always be people who are playing the game. They want more links and more exposure for their content and presumably want to use the least effort possible to get it. I have no problem with that. Bizsugar needs to be bigger (which will raise the bar for getting exposure) and it needs to make sure that poor content can't get exposure through voting manipulation. After that, if the rules aren't producing what Bizsugar and the community want, you change the rules to incentivise the behaviour you need to see. I have always been fairly impressed with the standard of the content that rises to the top here and it is one of the reasons I use Bizsugar, despite it being quite small."A Business & Social Networking Lesson from the 1981 Movie "Stripes" (Article & Kick-Butt Video)
"Great post again Yoni. You seem to have an endless supply of unique ways to illustrate your points. A lesson to everyone. Social Media lesson of today: "Never hit anyone in anger... unless you're absolutely sure you can get away with it."SOMETIMES What You Think Does Matter
"Thanks for the comment Heidi, That sounds like a great idea. I am glad it is working out for you. The way I would look at that is: you came up with an idea you thought would reach your customers, you found out where they were and you put an offer in front of them. You tested it and the data says that it resulted in sales. Congratulations on some creative and proactive selling. It certainly makes the point that there is plenty of room for THINK alright."SOMETIMES What You Think Does Matter
"Hi Yoni. Data is part of what makes online marketing so great. Go with the data or go with the gut? The data, almost every time. But you have to make sure that you have the right data and that it is saying what you think it is. There are always gaps in information and interpreting them is what takes skill and experience. You still need to figure out what to test and how to test it and what the results mean. You still face decisions with no data available, yet. So gut is still crucial (although I prefer instinct and analysis honed by years of experience and knowledge to some people's views on maverick entrepreneurial guesswork). I suppose what I mean is that if there's an answer, and it's knowable, then we should try to recognise it. To use your analogy Gary tries to beat Big Blue by working in the gaps in Big's knowledge. He doesn't ignore what the computer knows, he knows it all too and steps beyond it. Although he plays chess with flair, he has a mind like a computer too. The flair is the icing on the cake. I've been waiting for months for someone to ask about the pic and saraib820 got it right first time. It's a canoe polo helmet. I wish there was a prize. "Facebook Marketing: The Ugly Truth About FanPages
"Love this article. Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media are channels. Venues to get content out. Venues to engage with potential customers if you are lucky. A Facebook Fan is not an end in itself but simply extends the number of people that your communication can possibly reach."Subscribe
Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs: Cameron Herold
"Thanks Guys I think you are right Rikvah. I've never been certain that entrepreneurship can be "taught". The notion of courses in entrepreneurship seems somewhat strange to me. Perhaps it can be encouraged though and certainly mainstream education could do more to value the skills."