Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
100 Days of Humility
"Interesting Anne - I loved it. Humility can be taken too far, though, if there's a total loss of self-esteem as a result (I've come across a few people that fit into that, and was that way myself for a few years while in the deepest depths of depression around age 20). I might also add that it was obsession that sank the Pequod, not ego (in Moby Dick). Duncan"Don’t Let Your SEO Go to the Side
"Hi Nick. If you're old enough, you may remember that the U.S. lagged behind the Soviet Union every single step of the way in the original "Space Race". They had the 1st satellite - Sputnik (responsible for the U.S.' "Defense Education Act of 1958"), the 1st man in orbit, the 1st 2 men in orbit, the 1st woman in orbit, the 1st space walk, the 1st space docking - right up until we landed on the Moon in 1969, we were behind. Competition - that was the motive - with the prestige of the "Free World" in the balance. Those were heady, exciting days! Duncan"Greatness Begins with Gratitude
"A lot of people have little choice but to be grateful for where they are, Shannon. I've read so many articles on how we can all become successful if we focus on what we're good at that it's coming out of my ears. The truth is, many people aren't especially "good at" anything in particular - there's nothing they can focus on in order to succeed. Duncan "You’re Using Twitter The Wrong Way
"Hi Ivan - very interesting piece. If Chris Brogan follows 80,000 people, I figured out that: if each person only tweets once a month, he has to see 2,667 tweets a day, or 111 an hour - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, w/o sleep just to keep up (just under 2 a minute, every minute). But if all of them tweet 4 times a day, now it's 13,333 per hour every hour non-stop (222 a minute, every minute, every day). It'd be pretty hard to keep up with that! Duncan"Subscribe
What Facebook's Latest Changes Mean for Businesses
"Hi Mikal. Everything was peachy till you mentioned that now we'll have legal gambling on FB, something I go out of my way NOT to be associated with. Prostitution is legal in some places, too - is that next? Duncan"