Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Redesigning Business Cards to Include Social Media Info
"Unmana, Now THAT's gratitude. Many comments here go unanswered and some votes seem to be taken for granted. A simple THANK YOU like this is a wonderful gesture. Others should take a cue from your manners and thinking. Your momma and poppa raised you well! Yoni"The Harsh Truth About Membership Sites Business
"I just think that there is so much relevant information out there that is free that it's a bit silly to think that people are going to pay for members-only content. Our local online newspaper, the ________ offers about 95% of its content for free, the other 5% is for premium members who shell out 10$ a month. The stories in almost the exact same form are available elsewhere for free; who's gonna pay? The other issue here is e-books. Everybody and their brother is now writing an e-book. They are usually about 30 pages long, more like a long article than a book and they're usually nothing more than a bunch of blog articles reformatted into an article. My point here? Unless as Duncan says, you are a HUGE, known commodity, it is unrealistic, at least in my opinion, to think that people are going to pay. And i don't think the inclusion of an e-book is going to change anybody's mind. Sorry if this sounds harsh...it's not directed at you...and it's just one person's opinion. Yoni "A Focussed Marketing Strategy is Always a Winner
"Susan, My aunt Lena went to her grave believing that Hi-Tech was a single company. When my sister told her that she had a job in hi-tech she asked where it was located. For the rest of her life, whenever she met anybody in hi-tech she asked if they knew Diane. If they said "no," she would say, "but she works at the same company as you." Which company they would ask...'hi-tech'she would answer. Johnson and Johnson made a good decison to stay focused though an all encompassing company such as "hi-tech" might monololize the world. I think that being focused is crucial. It also gives me pause for thought when I see somebody, mostly in blog articles, who has 10 or 20 ventures, websites or companies going on. It makes me ask "how many fields can you possibly be an expert in?" Far better to concentrate on those areas in which you truly excel and market yourself accordingly. Yoni"Social Media satire 9: Empire Avenue, Buffer and hating spam!
"Great job again Peter! My favorite is the kid whose getting ready to kick the kid's a$$ who spammed him. I must admit though that the other kid is quite a bit bigger so I do wish him well. This is really an excellent series and I agree, the level of creativity you are demonstrating and bringing to fruition is top-notch. Yoni"Failure Proof Everything You Do
"Ben, Great thought-provoking post...But...I do think that the chance of failure is what makes things exciting. It's what used to make sneaking into bars with a fake ID when I was eighteen so darn fun. Then when I turned 21, it lost its luster. I guess it's also why people engage in extreme sports like base-jumping. There's always that chance that the parachute won't open and it will end in a SPLAT!!! (No offense of course to anyone who has lost a loved one in a freak base-jumping accident :) Yoni"Twitter Detox – Highly Recommeded
""Cast your mind back to the early days on twitter, when you first started and you didn’t have a clue." Okay, early days on Twitter: 3:45 PM: "My wife just put a meatloaf in the oven" 4:14 PM: "Boy, it's sure smelling good!" 5:05 PM: "Emmm! Add barbecue sauce to the top of a meatloaf for extra-yum flavor!" I think everybody went through that initial stage of thinking broadcasting on Twitter was like having your personal reality show. "My criteria: If I don’t know you personally, haven’t communicated in some way, If your not someone I would have sought out to follow, then you’re gone from the stream. No harm, no foul, no offense intended." Good criteria! I would like to take a day and whittle my list down. get rid of all of the porn-purveyors, prostitutes, gambling sites, spammers and online steroid salesmen. But then my list of followers would only be like ten people and I would look like a complete jackass. I hate twitter! Yoni "The 5 Models Of Comment Interaction For YOUR Blog
"Paul, I don't see any alternative to anwering each and every comment. I'm a firm believer that if somebody takes the time out of their day to read an article and comment, he or she deserves an individualized response. It's only fair. I kind of don't like when somebody receives 10, 15, 30 comments and they give one response like "Thanks guys for all of the comments." It's kind of lame, at least in my opinion. As a frequent commenter on blogs, not as a strategy (I never leave my website for a linkback), I also implement the three-strikes-and-you're-out rule. In general if three of my comments go unanswered, I usually stop commenting or visiting the blog in question. Yoni "101 Tips For Becoming A Productivity Superstar
"Holy Sh%t! A more comprehensive list I have never seen. I will call this my post of the day, week and month. I don't even want to think about how long this took to conceptualize, write and edit, though from the great job you did I'm guessing at least 8 hours. Yoni"Subscribe
How to Give Your Website a Health Check
"Nice job Cindy! One of these days I will jump on this bandwagon and learn how to use these analytic things. It does scare the **** out of me though. I have never sent a text message in my life if that tells you something. I did also try to partially monetize my blog last week. I cutted and pasted some html text into the blog and...voila! Nothing. BTW...until four years ago, and I ain't lying, I thought html was an abbreviation for Hotmail. I'm serious! Oh my, the world is passing me by. Regards, Yoni"