RossKimbarovsky submitted the following stories to BizSugar

To-do lists are often recommended as good strategies to increase productivity and efficiency. While the idea is for these lists to serve as a reminder, they actually end up having a negative effect on our psyche… and in turn, our overall output. Read More

In Defense of the Renegade Marketers

Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 2908 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on August 12, 2016 1:07 pm
Maybe — just maybe — the problem isn’t that the language used by modern marketers is incompatible with more conventional marketing rhetoric. Maybe the problem is that conventional marketing rhetoric is incompatible with the modern marketing climate. Read More
Groups can and do make each other better. As cliche as it sounds, iron sharpens iron. But how can you leverage groups to help your company? Here are some helpful insights. Read More

Repurposing Content Through Visual Reimagination

Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 2912 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on August 7, 2016 11:42 am
As any content marketer will tell you, diligent strategy execution and time can yield a treasure trove of promotional material for your use. That content creation, however, can take up a lot of bandwidth. We share tips to help you. Read More
How do you calculate the dollar value of a shared meme from your Facebook page? How do you determine the expected RoR on a newsletter subscriber? How do you assess the impact of a prominent retweet to your bottom line? How do you nail down the contribution of a new logo to your profits? Read More
The 2016 election cycle spend blew past the $1 billion mark in April of this year, well before the final candidates in the general had been decided. So how are the branding and marketing efforts of the candidates stacking up to date? Read More
There are thousands of articles, videos, and books out there, all eager to tell you the “secret” to effective content marketing. There’s a reason such resources are in high demand: 88% of all B2B businesses are investing in content marketing, along with 80% of B2C businesses. Read More
A lot of time can be spent choosing the perfect startup name. Conventional wisdom says that the name should be less than 10 characters, easy to remember, and the .com has to be acquirable.
But what if the company you are building begins to change? Read More
Knowledge is power, which is why we were so excited to take a look at IBM Marketing Cloud’s 2016 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study. Here are some of the key takeaways. Read More
Many entrepreneurs, small business owners, and even big corporations regularly crowdsource logo design. But did you know you can leverage crowdsourcing for many other useful things? Read More

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