These stories submitted by Iannarino will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The sales process is a non-linear. It is the salesperson’s duty to advance the sale from one stage to the next, but not to ignore the needs of their client or their client’s buying process. Sometimes this means going all the way and then backtracking to pick up the pieces in between. Read More
Honesty and integrity are defining characteristics of successful salespeople. The fact that they are table stakes doesn’t mean that aren’t part of the client’s evaluation and selection process. Read More

Micromanage Yourself

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From 5305 days ago
No one likes to be micromanaged. But being successful and doing quality work require that you micromanage yourself, keeping yourself on task and focused. Read More
Everyone knows that the top 20% of salespeople generate 80% of the results. This is a surefire plan to not be bothered with the pressure of getting results or having to carry the bottom 80%. Here’s how to maintain your place in the bottom 80%. Read More
Sales is getting too soft. This is not a call to return to the hard sell, but instead a reminder that the outcomes that we in sales want and need have not changed. Being professional and being too soft are two very different things. Read More
Passionate engagement separates the successful from the less successful. It separates the masters from the dabblers. Great salespeople are passionately engaged in all that they do, their clients feel it and they buy it. Read More
Salespeople don’t sell product or services; they sell outcomes. Successful salespeople manage these outcomes for their clients and their companies, ensuring that they achieve the results and the outcome that they sold. Follow these steps to better manage your client’s outcomes. Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to lead. They have the ability to generate results through the efforts of others on their teams, as well as their client’s teams. But leadership starts with owning the outcome and leading from the front. Apply these ideas to be a better leader. Read More
Storytelling is the ability to create a compelling vision of the future. Great salespeople include in their stories the challenges and the obstacles that will need to be overcome in order to create that future. They write the future positive outcomes with their clients as both characters and as coauthors. Use these tips to be a better storyteller. Read More
Selling requires a strong ability to diagnose the client’s problems and challenges. By diagnosing their problems and challenges, and by developing a full understanding of their root causes, the professional salesperson can build a solution that perfectly matches the client’s needs. Follow these steps to improve your ability to diagnose! Read More

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