These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Attending an industry event is beneficial for business owners and employees for many reasons. It’s a great way to learn more and to share with other likeminded businesses and individuals. Industry events are great for networking and promoting your products and/or services. But did you know that eac Read More
Coming up with new topics for your content marketing campaign can be tricky, but it’s not nearly as hard and most site owners and marketers seem to think it is! Here are five content marketing research tips to help you take your content marketing to the next level and always have a source of great Read More
For many marketers and website owners, our daily to-do list is already taking up the majority of our day. However, all you need is 15 minutes each day (I like to do it first thing in the morning or while eating lunch) to read a few other industry blogs. Why waste your time reading other peoples’ bl Read More
There are many red flags to take note of when starting discussions with a potential client. If they continue to ask how long it will take to get to a number one ranking, that’s a red flag. If they’ve worked with (and fired) numerous SEO companies in the past, that’s another red flag. If they think Read More
When you think about social media sites to incorporate into your B2B social media marketing strategy you probably immediately think of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. But what about YouTube? YouTube may be most commonly known as a place to watch funny videos of cats or babies or new music Read More
Every website is under constant pressure to produce. Even well-established businesses have monthly/quarterly/annual quotas they are supposed to meet in terms of visitor growth, qualified leads, sales and so forth. And while I can understand the fear that grips the heart of every site owner and mark Read More
The rationale behind bidding on trademarked brands is something like this: if I bid on my competitor’s name than my company’s PPC ad will show up in any branded searches for my competitor. Since my competitor and I are going after the same target audience, this is good way to piggyback on the brand Read More
When people are looking for a product or service and conducting research, the first place that they typically turn to is the search engines. For this reason, it’s important to invest in SEO in order to improve your search engine visibility. If you’re spending money on SEO, you obviously want to see Read More
Every hour your website is offline the more damaging it is to your online business. Every wasted second means potential visitors can’t access your site even if they wanted to, which means your company has no way of making money online. Site’s that are down for an extended time might even find thems Read More
What is the point of having a business blog? Well, there are many reasons to have a business blog. It can help boost SEO efforts, fuel a social media strategy, and help a business establish itself as a trusted thought leader in a particular niche. Just getting someone to visit your blog is importan Read More

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