These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Many sites were impacted by Google Penguin, the latest SEO update from Google. Sites that were hurt by the algorithm update saw a major loss of traffic on April 24th, and many sites are still struggling to figure out exactly where they went wrong and what they can do to recover. I’ve spoken with nu Read More
I came across this great post on SEOMoz a few weeks ago and I had to share it, especially lesson #9—“Stop Scheming & Get to Work.” Author Peter Meyers claims this is the most important SEO lesson anyone could learn, and I have to agree with him; DO THE WORK! (Peter says it with a little more force Read More
Perhaps the most important meta element is the title tag. The title appears as the clickable link on a search engine results page and is text that the search engine spiders crawl to help determine what a web page is about. If you want your website to perform well in the search engines it’s importan Read More
B2B decision makers spend time doing research online. In order to stand out above the rest of your competition and get noticed, it’s important to invest in content marketing. Content is what helps fuel SEO and social media strategies. Without content, it’s difficult to find success online today. Ma Read More
If your traffic dips down this month, don’t assume the world is crashing in around you. Unless your traffic vanished overnight and happened to coincide with a Google update like Penguin or Panda it doesn’t mean all hope is loss. I’m constantly reminding my SEO clients that you can’t make SEO decisi Read More
I once got a frantic email from one of my former clients wanting to know why their organic traffic from Google had disappeared overnight. They had logged into their Google analytics account one morning to find their visitors had completely bottomed out—100% of their traffic was gone. Normally I wou Read More
While it’s important to invest in SEO and properly optimize a website and build legitimate inbound links, the Google Penguin update served as a not so subtle reminder that there is a difference between optimizing your website and web content and “over-optimizing” it. One recommendation that SEOs ha Read More
When getting started with a new SEO campaign, or at least once every year if you are currently executing a long term campaign, it’s important to conduct an SEO audit of your website to see how your website is being viewed by the search engines. In addition to looking at and analyzing inbound links Read More
A few weeks ago I was talking with a small travel website owner that was interested in Brick Marketing’s new SEO service for small businesses. His challenge, like most small business owners, was that he had a little bit of budget set aside for SEO but he didn’t know what to do with it. He knew he n Read More
If you are a local business, it’s important to optimize your website for local search. One question that many local business owners have is how they should go about targeting more than one city or location. Even if your business is located in City A, you also want to attract searchers that may be s Read More

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