These stories submitted by Prussakov will be featured BizSugar's homepage

While I firmly believe that de-personalization of affiliate program management — which starts with “Dear Valued Partner” type of addresses that open emails to affiliates, and ends with “Your Affiliate Team” type signatures at the end of them — negatively affects manager-affiliate relationship, I do Read More
Regardless of whether you’re looking to generate leads or sales, my reply would be the same: since you’re ultimately looking for consumers interested in your products or services, you want to go with a network that already has strong affiliate producers in your vertical. Read More
I am currently training an in-house affiliate program manager... As we’re going through the process, she is asking some good questions. Her following ones about affiliate applications inspired this blog post. Read More
You know the phrase “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression”? Well, it is exactly the same way with affiliate program descriptions: an affiliate will rarely give it a second look if it has made a bad impression during the very first read. Read More
We can see that the spread is pretty wide. It seems to me that splitting the votes into 4 groups would make the above pie-chart a bit more digestible:

1. Low yield (under 8%) — 40%
2. Moderate yield (9%-15%) — 29%
3. Moderately high yield (16%-35%) — 21%
4. High yield (over 50%) — 11%

Conc Read More
What is Affiliate Marketing for YOU? For me it's "freedom", "flexibility", "expertise", "professional secrets", "performance", and, of course, an "unmanageable workforce"... Read More
For a small business in a moderately crowded niche, 40-45% is a realistic growth to expect. If, on the other hand, you are a Fortune 500 business with a solid online presence and a good flow of Internet sales prior to starting the affiliate program, a 10-15% growth is a great result to achieve thro Read More
Affiliate networks are not affiliate program management agencies. They are not hired to grow and manage your affiliate program. Simply put, they are platforms that provide merchants with such services as tracking, reporting, hosting of creatives and datafeeds, payments to affiliates, etc, but the v Read More
Competitive intelligence can be a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled affiliate program manager. However, very few managers are actively using it for their benefit. In this post I'm describing how you can put it to good use... Read More
There is an array of affiliate marketing-related podcasts all around the place, and to help you navigate the ocean, I’ve decided to put together a list of those that I believe to be worth highlighting in 2011 (sorry those guys and gals who haven’t recorded anything since 2010). Read More

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