These stories submitted by Prussakov will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It is no secret that content is still king, and bloggers know this like no one else. Regularly updated blogs help achieve amazing SEO results in a matter of seconds; and nearly every successful affiliate I know of blogs at least several times a week. Since WordPress remains to be one of the most po Read More
With banners and text links things aren't real straightforward. Savvy affiliates and program managers know that not all banner (or text links) statistics should be taken at face value. Otherwise, we may be lead to wrong conclusions... Read More
Permitting “direct linking” (or Direct-To-Merchant (DTM) paid search bidding), implies that affiliates are allowed to link their paid search ads (through their affiliate links, of course) right to your website. If the use of merchant’s “display URL on any PPC engine is prohibited” (as in the above Read More
Over the past few days I’ve been talking with a new client whose affiliate program’s budget (let me stress: one of the top programs on a popular affiliate network) is being routinely cannibalized by trademark violators, pseudocouponers, and other types of unethical affiliates. In close to 5 years o Read More
Over this weekend I did a lot of reading on the causes and possibilities of the US default happening between 2 and 8 August 2011, and it seemed that the more I read, the better the situation became. With the leaks of the latest news of a debt deal, it seems that the default isn’t a threat any longe Read More
The book's name is "It's All About the Cookies: Affiliate Marketers' Recipes for Yummy Desserts and Success." This book is a part of Missy Ward's Affiliate Marketers Give Back initiative -- one devoted to raising "money to support Breast Cancer research, treatment, awareness and community programs Read More
There are 520 nominations total, but today out of all of these I’d like to draw your attention to the following seven. The reason is simple. They are all affiliate marketers, and it is good to see them on the list of nominees. Read More
...calls affiliates "businesses that were taking advantage of a loophole that never should've existed in the first place" Read More
It's Friday again, and in the best traditions of Twitter #FollowFriday today I'd like to bring you a list of US affiliate networks which are actively using Twitter to keep both affiliates and merchants up-to-date with their latest news, developments, blog posts, and so on… Read More
Assuming that on every one of those 16,000 tweets I spent some 10 seconds, that's 160,000 seconds, or 2,667 minutes, or nearly 44.5 hours spent tweeting. One would think: “what a waste of time!” writing these hours into the “Losses” column. I disagree. Looking back, and analyzing the “Wins” I can s Read More

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