These stories submitted by Prussakov will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Earlier today a4u released an M-Commerce Report, detailing the UK's latest m-commerce statistics, considerations, and opportunities both for brands and affiliates. Here are just a few things that have caught my eye... Read More
Amazon's mobile commerce revenue is 15x that of the runner up Walmart. Also, they're making 156 times the m-commerce revenue than Home Depot. Read More
Actual quote: "I'm telling you to take every shortcut you can. Why, because you are an affiliate, you have very little to lose. I would cheat if I could, but I’ve got a warehouse, 11 employees, three kids, and a building mortgage to pay. I also can’t change my domain name overnight. I have to follo Read More
Following the signing of California statute AB 155 (which I discussed a week ago) Amazon has invited California-based affiliates — over 10,000 of which were terminated from Amazon's Associates program in June 2011 — to re-enroll in their affiliate program. Read More
Based on my 10+ years experience in affiliate marketing, the 5 most dangerous types affiliate network problems are: (1) support problems, (2) tracking problems, (3) broken down communication channels, (4) lack of transparency, and (5) poor tools + lack of innovation. Read More
To succeed while helping others:

1. Stay focused
2. Publish only original stuff
3. Stick to publishing only what's "incredible, relevant, of value" to your audience
4. Obsess about discovery
5. Be concise
6. Be practical/actionable
7. Be authentic
8. Don't pretend you know things you don' Read More
Why is it that Russians prefer to avoid payments by bank cards online? My hypothesis is that since we're talking people who for years were carrying only cash in their pockets, the "card" then becomes an equivalent of that cash wad for them. And who would entrust a stack of cash to an online process Read More
On September 23 Gov. Brown signed the above-quoted bill AB 155 into law, giving "25,000 web-based entrepreneurs" hope "to get back in business" while everyone works with Congress on a federal level solution, also known as the Main Street Fairness Act, by July 2012. If the federal legislation is not Read More
"4,500 children will die today from water related diseases. Help." How do YOU feel about this advertising tactic? Read More
I do want to give a chance to the people who really do have an interesting and important affiliate marketing question, and may not have the budget for a consultation. Read More

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