These stories submitted by Prussakov will be featured BizSugar's homepage area that hasn't been touched so far is affiliate marketing -- a field too niche for the general public, yet one of tremendous interest to those of us who are breathing and living it every day. So, as soon as I logged into my Klout dashboard today, I was thrilled to see that I can now see the Read More
At least 3 major things were done wrong here: (1) Failed on the individualized consideration, (2) Accused affiliates of violating rules that aren’t even in place, (3) Failed to proofread and preview. Read More
It’s Friday again, and returning to my old tradition of compiling and blogging #FollowFriday type lists, I’d like to bring you one today too. Following the earlier-described idea of focused digestion of information, today I’d like to draw your attention to 10 luminaries who, in my opinion, must be Read More
August has been a busy month, and now that the calendar autumn is already here (yes, happy September 1st, everyone!), I thought it would be nice to put together a list of AM Navigator‘s top picks for the previous month. Here's the top 10 list... Read More
These five methods help me personally (a) stay up-to-date on the news and developments in my industry, (b) always have topics to blog and microblog about, and (c) constantly expand my Rolodex of contacts. I am certain they can help you too, regardless of your niche/industry. Read More
While some may interpret statistics on how long people have been doing affiliate marketing in this way, I disagree... Read More
On this day exactly a year ago I had a company called "Rogue Marketers" apply into an affiliate program we manage. That instance has given me an idea for this post... Read More
This has been going on for years… Of course, the problem with Paxfire is different in the fact that they also have "an optional, unadvertised, and more alarming feature that drastically expands Paxfire's window into users' traffic" whereby "instead of activating only upon error, this product redire Read More
Very seldom are the cases when merchants do something that shows they really care about affiliates. However sad this may be to admit, more often than not, it is the other way around — tracking goes down, websites go down… but merchants don’t say a word. Read More
An affiliate network that's currently negotiating with investors has approached me asking if there's a place where they can review mergers and especially acquisitions that have happened in the affiliate marketing world over the past few years. Having found no such compilation anywhere, I have decid Read More

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