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Reading Dean's 10 "psychological keys to job satisfaction", I can't help but look at them through the angle of an affiliate marketer. The two groups of affiliate marketers that immediately come to mind are affiliates, and OPMs -- the former being an independent marketer who receives performance-bas Read More
While there are arguments for and against affiliate program managers putting on affiliate hats, in principle, such an experience is indeed extremely valuable to any manager... Read More
As I audit affiliate programs and, conjointly, the websites of merchants who market through the affiliate channel, some mistakes come up more frequently than others, and today I’d like to highlight three that merchants with affiliate programs routinely commit. These are: (i) no link to affiliate pr Read More
Content Strategy is "an emerging field of practice encompassing every aspect of content, including its design, development, analysis, presentation, measurement, evaluation, production, management, and governance." There are a number of experts in the field who are quite active on Twitter; and here Read More
Among the most popular ways to recruit new affiliates we observe (a) reaching out to relevant content producers, (b) going after competitors’ affiliates, (c) active participation in forums, conferences and other places where affiliates gather… basically, all the things I have written about 2.5 year Read More
One of my most popular posts of 2010 was the Effectiveness of Online Video: CTR, Conversion & Other Data one. Needless to say how anxious I was to get a hold of the newest Econsultancy’s “Online Video Best Practice Guide” by Steffan Aquarone which was released less than 24 hours ago.

It’s an imp Read More
Since my last post on the bad news from California, Governor Brown has signed the bill, while Amazon has announced its decision to cut ties with its California-based affiliates (which includes not only affiliates of, but also of all its subsidiaries, such as,, Zap Read More
Bad news has just come from the state of California — the affiliate nexus tax, seems to be on the threshold of materializing. No, not into cash — the state treasurer is right on the money when saying that the online sales tax revenue is good in theory, but not being sure certain if the dollars woul Read More
Many people blog these days, but in very few instances can I say that I enjoy every post that this or that blogger puts up. There are, however, bloggers out there that I follow daily (or as frequently as they post), and anxiously wait for their next post. Every time they write I either learn someth Read More
I'm split on the subject of social media marketing effectiveness... I do understand how when properly handled social media efforts increase engagement with brands (personal or corporate) and facilitate loyalty growing "fans"; but I, personally, do not know of one marketer who could confidently comp Read More

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