These stories submitted by Prussakov will be featured BizSugar's homepage

I'm afraid that we hear (and use) the phrase so frequently that it is quickly turning into a cliché (or a phrase that is losing its true effect and meaning as a result of its overuse). So what is "proactive management" exactly? And how do we achieve it in the context of affiliate program management Read More
...from WMF Knives, Coca Cola, BMW's Response to Audi's Billboard Challenge, FedEx Kinko's, and Lego Read More
One of the biggest problems that affiliate program managers have is believing that their job is to manage affiliates (and not the affiliate marketing channel, or the program). Such approach, coupled with two destructive assumptions -- (1) that, by extension, an affiliate program manager is smarter Read More
So, online you can pay for clicks, leads, and then there's also something called "CPA"... What are the differences between these, and how exactly do they work within one affiliate program? This post addresses these questions. Read More
I don't know about you, but the amount of information (from quality to mere noise) distributed via social media overwhelms me at times… So, as mentioned not too long ago, one of the methods that I use is that of sorting and filtering. Now, over the course of the past four years, some of the people Read More
"But how, in the world, does a brand new business name gain such tremendous brand recognition over such a short period of time?" I wondered. And yesterday I've found the answer. It is probably not so much "brand recognition" that we should be talking here, but something different (and equally impre Read More
I believe that there are 7 major ways to fail at affiliate marketing. In the article I've outlined 4 reasons why merchants/advertisers fail, and 3 reasons for affiliate failure. Let me revisit them in this post... Read More
The landscape of affiliate blogosphere has been changing almost as dynamically as the industry itself. In the course of late 2011 I've spotted quite a few bloggers gaining steam. The spectrum ranges from the fairly new ones to affiliate marketing blogging to those who have been quiet for some time, Read More
Updated info on the conference's agenda (28 sessions, legendary speakers... all in two 10-hr days), and a 3-step guide on registering inexpensively (if you do so by end of Jan 20). Read More
Each year since 1992 on the third Monday of January the United States celebrate Martin Luther King Day, commemorating the life and work of the nation's legend and inspiration. In honor of this great man of faith and vision, I'd like to devote my today's blog post to his quotes that encourage me per Read More

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