Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As entrepreneurs, we have to be thankful for the things and the people we have in our lives today, because it may be all gone tomorrow.

I wanted to put this post together to just put my thankfulness out into the universe, things have been good for me, my life and my business in 2016 and I would Read More

10 Signs It’s Time To Grow Your Content Team

Avatar Posted by zolachupik under Marketing
From 2859 days ago
Made Hot by: adamhh on November 23, 2016 7:29 pm
Growing traffic can be a bittersweet experience when you’re first starting out in content marketing. On one hand, you’re thrilled to see your posts gaining traction as incoming traffic and engagement climbs. On the other hand, your growing audience demands frequent content updates and they expect y Read More

Automating The HR Processes In Your Business

Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Human Resources
From 2859 days ago
Made Hot by: adamhh on November 23, 2016 7:24 pm
Whether you are an entrepreneur with a small sized team or a corporate representative with thousands of employees, HR processes are an inevitable component of any business. Present day HR software tools help you with keeping employee details up-to-date key access and license employee details, salar Read More

[Ebook] Get More Done: The Complete Introduction to Task Management

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Self-Development
From 2859 days ago
Made Hot by: adamhh on November 23, 2016 7:23 pm
Do you ever get that sinking feeling that you’re wasting your time?

This guide will teach you how to manage your tasks, prioritize properly, and get a ton of important work done.

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Get into this awesome article that explains how the growth of mobile devices has affected the growth of identity management. A must read article from my side. Read More
Social media is now an integral part of marketing — spending on social media is expected to double to 25% of marketing budgets by 2020. Yet, nearly half of digital marketers say they can’t prove the bottom-line impact of social media on their businesses. Read More
According to a recent study from SurveyMonkey available through Salsify, fully 94% of customers will abandon a site if they can’t find the information they need to make an informed purchase. And 88% of shoppers said that product content plays an extremely or very important role in their purchase. Read More
These days, “sales” is perceived as a negative five-letter word. Sales has gotten a bad rep. When you hear the ... Read More
Opinions offered by Millennial employees aren’t a criticism of you or your company. They don’t have appropriate respect for your experience because they have little of their own to measure it against. It will come, but in the meantime take a few minutes to listen to them. You may see it as panderin Read More
Hiring a candidate with an MBA degree provides great benefits to businesses. Here are some of the reason why you should consider MBA candidates for certain positions. Read More

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