ZaneSafrit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

4 Signs Your Business Partnership will Fail | CFOwise

Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Startups
From 5381 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 5, 2010 6:29 pm
Business partnerships are one of the most unique and trying relationships we will ever enter.  Some work, but most fail.  Here are some of the common signs that your partnership may be headed the wrong direction. Read More

22 Terrific Tips On How To Get More Twitter Followers

Avatar Posted by VirtuosiMedia under Social Media
From 5394 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on December 26, 2009 3:40 am
Are you looking to get more targeted Twitter followers? We'll teach you Twitter list-building methods that are both efficient and effective. Read More

Do Engaged Employees Make for Profitable Companies?

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Human Resources
From 5400 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 21, 2009 9:40 am
Of course they do. The trick is measuring it in ways meaningful to your company and ways that allow you to assess its impact for those doubters in your company. Here's a proven, simple, methodology to do that. Read More

A Culture of Innovation Starts with...Us.

Avatar Posted by ZaneSafrit under Strategy
From 5400 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 17, 2009 5:28 am
Creating a culture of innovation in an organization starts with allowing each individual the right to innovate. The first person to do this should be you the leader. What have you innovated, allowed yourself to innovate, given yourself the time to innovate. Start with yourself, then expand. Read More
It’s a good thing that we now have a President that talks about how important entrepreneurs and small businesses are to the economy. But now, we need more just than talk.

Barry Moltz suggests 4 things the WH/Federal Government can do to help spur small business and the jobs they create. Read More
How do companies inspire only 29% of their employees to care? Here's 3 easy ways. They must be easy as so many companies do them. Now, if you want to inspire 71% of your employees to care...there are 3 easy ways listed, too. Read More
Back in the day...Kings AND Queens were known to kill the messenger if the message they carried was to the Royal Person's disliking. Corporate brands may be our royalty today. Because it seems we may have a similar situation today.... Read More

I know what you're thinking. Despite it all, you've had a decent year. You deserve a little something for all that hard work. That gorgeous Callaway FT-5-TH driver, for example, would be pretty sweet out on the links. Okay, Tiger, that's fine... if you're somehow connected to the PGA.

Well, here's 5 must-haves you, your successful CEO, should have.
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So why and how do CEOs use Twitter? Well, the reasons may vary, but the benefits they reap remain the same across the board. In general, CEOs could use Twitter to: Read More
4. Praise early, often and late. Harvard Business Management offers a Tip of the Day. And a recent one listed 3 Tips for Giving Praise that Motivates. The three tips were excellent: 1. Be Specific. 2. Praise with Actions, Not... Read More

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