Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Marlene Chism author of Stop Workplace Drama, discuss the impact of drama on the workplace. Discover the key factors affecting productivity as a result of drama in the workplace. Read More

Stop Drifting

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4966 days ago
There are lots of currents in the sales game, any of which can sweep you away if you let them. Without personal goals and strong action, you drift. Read More
Pride isn’t only missing in popular culture. In business—and in sales—pride has also disappeared. Pride still matters. It matters a great deal, and in sales, too. Read More
I like to view the sales team as a squadron of highly talented fighter pilots. The Mission: Acquire enough new pieces of business or new accounts to exceed Sales Goals! This is accomplished by executing a new business development attack against a strategically-selected, defined, focused and finite Read More
Quality and result of sales training will become a tangible differentiator for organizations looking to attract the right talent. But reps also need to invest in themselves to qualify for choice sales positions. Read More

Four Questions to Ask Yourself When You Believe You Lost on Price

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 4969 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on February 22, 2011 2:39 am
When you haven’t created the ability to tie your price to the value you create, you guarantee that price is the what your dream client uses to make their decision. Read More
The sales manager on your company’s organization chart isn’t your real sales manager. You are the person who is ultimately responsible for producing your results. Read More

Art of Marketing Conference: Heads Up

Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Marketing
From 4971 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business News on February 19, 2011 4:31 pm
Something that I attended last year and found really great is coming again to Toronto - the Art of Marketing Conference. I think you should go if you live or work in Ontario and you are a business owner, CEO, or someone in a sales & marketing or business development position. So mark off your cale Read More
Two things that many sales people struggle with are, negotiations and e-mail. This week's guest post is by Jeanette Nyden, who gives us five tips on how to on how to use e-mail to be more effective at negotiating.
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Have had a bit of a busy spurt lately, contributing to other publications and blogs. Here are three recent pieces that have appeared beyond The Pipeline, in magazines and blogs worth visiting. Read More

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