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Sales – What An Awesome Career! – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5210 days ago
Made Hot by: SalesBlogcast on June 25, 2010 1:06 pm
I’ll never forget my grandfather’s reaction just after I graduated from college when I told him I had gotten a job with IBM. He was thrilled! Thrilled and impressed that I had be able to land such a fabulous entry level job. Then he asked, “Doing what?” My answer literally devastated him. “Sales? You mean you couldn’t get a real job? Read More

Your Are Not Treating the Presenting Problem

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5210 days ago
Made Hot by: CindyKing on June 28, 2010 8:13 am
Doing a great diagnosis at the beginning of the sales process enables a better solution and a more focused presentation. But to make sure both meet your dream client’s needs, you need to discover the cause of their dissatisfaction and not simply the presenting problem Read More

Selling With A “Net Cash Flow” Approach – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5211 days ago
Made Hot by: SkipAnderson on June 23, 2010 4:39 pm
This isn’t the first time you’ve read about The Universal Language of Business on this blog. Doesn’t matter what they sell or what their SIC code is, ALL of your customers are in the money-making business. All sales reps must therefore learn how to communicate effectively using Finance, the universal language Read More

Do Your Prospects Believe You Are Qualified?

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5211 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on June 28, 2010 5:21 pm
Buzzwords and marketing lingo do not mean you are qualified. When you call a potential buyer, reduce the talk time and noise by introducing what you have and whom you’ve worked with, just like you would on a resume Read More

And So, The Kitchen Sink

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5212 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on June 28, 2010 4:21 pm
Presenting well, telling your story of your future together with your dream client means a focused presentation and that means a focused needs-analysis. Throwing the kitchen sink at them isn’t a viable strategy, and you shouldn’t expect it to win Read More

Think, Work And Act Like a Business Manager – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5212 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on June 22, 2010 6:22 pm
If customers can find the information they want using a Google search, why would they ever contact a sales rep? If it’s accessible via Google, they don’t need you. In fact, if it’s accessible via Google or from your website or from a competitor’s website, they don’t want you. They’ll correctly assume that all you’ll do is burn more of their time, and there’s not enough of that to go around as it is Read More

Beyond Value - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5212 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on June 24, 2010 4:03 pm
Demonstrating value to a buyer is the starting point. To win sales and customers today, you need to be able to demonstrate and deliver impact for a buyer to take action Read More

Value Propositions – Sales eXchange – 52 - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5213 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on June 22, 2010 2:57 pm
Value propositions are great, but still have to be used with care. You want to ensure that you are using them to build and communicate value, not as "pitches" Read More

100 Reasons Why We Love You Daddy!

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Self-Development
From 5214 days ago
Made Hot by: cartermi on June 25, 2010 6:12 pm
As dads we often struggle to balance our time between family and work. We get wrapped up in our pursuit of career success. It stems from an overwhelming desire to be a good provider. We get home tired… our attention span stretched to the limit.

Sometimes I question myself… thinking, “You’ve got to work harder to be a better dad.”

My wife and kids always find the perfect way to put things in perspective.

My girls gave me this list of 100 Reasons Why We Love You Daddy! It’s funny… some of them are repeats, but I share all of them with you because I know many of these apply to you also.

It’s the little things that make a big difference. We don’t have to be perfect, we just have to be.. Read More
OK, so this isn’t exactly a business-related post, but I just can’t help myself. Look, only a few of you grew up in Quakertown. You know, right between Richlandtown and Trumbauersville Read More

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